Title: Ignition Point
Author: By Gary Beck
Publisher: Cyberwit Press
116 Pages
Copyright 2021
ISBN: 978-93-90601-02-8
Reviewed by LB Sedlacek
Beck’s passion for poetry leaps off the pages in this new poetry collection. Each poem covers a real life event, observation or emotion. The words are vivid and raw, but also soothing.
From “Last Resort”: “I lost my job / when they hired a kid / at half my salary.”
From “To the Fires”: “Combustible materials / frequently fall / into the wrong hands.”
You feel like you are a part of his poetical world as you read each poem. The poems wash over you with feelings of relating to the situations in them or they come at you in a hurry making you really think about things.
From “Purchase Power”: “persistent to obtain / the promised land, / denied entry / by callous servants / of the lords of profit,”
My favorite poem from the collection was “Renewal.” Lines from the poem: “Magnolias briefly bloom / dazzling the eyes / with elegant beauty, / intoxicating the nose / with nature’s finest scent / never duplicated / in contrived laboratories.”
What ease I felt reading this poem and imagining the giant magnolia trees in my back yard where I grew up.
Life in the big city (NYC), cell phones use, and so many other interesting views fall into the rest of the poems that round out this collection.
From “Purchase Power II”: “Patrons of the art world / bid at auction / competing for masterworks / against rival appetites, efforts rewarded / by acquisition,”
There’s so much to feel, think and absorb here. This is a must have collection for your poetry shelf!
~LB Sedlacek is the author of the poetry collections “I’m No ROBOT,” “Words and Bones,” “Simultaneous Submissions,” “The Adventures of Stick People on Cars,” and “The Poet Next Door.” Her first short story collection came out last year entitled “Four Thieves of Vinegar & Other Short Stories.” Her mystery novel “The Glass River” was nominated for the Thomas Wolfe Memorial Literary Award. She writes poetry reviews for “The Poetry Market Ezine” www.thepoetrymarket.com You can find out more about her at www.lbsedlacek.com
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