The New Book Review

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Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Another Tales2Inspire Jewel: Tales2Inspire ~ The Jade Collection (True Adventure Stories)

Author’s Name: Lois W. Stern (Creator, editor, contributor)

Author’s email:


SubtitleAmazing Adventures

Award winning stories of varied adventures: joyful, challenging, light hearted, risky, . . . but each ultimately emerging as a story that has enriched that author’s life in some unique way: travel adventures, from childhood memories of climbing mountains beneath waterfalls, to the journey of three adventurers traveling from their hometown in Venezuela to Detroit, Michigan, simply to meet their inspiration, Henry Ford;  challenging adventures, as the aspiring videographer stranded in Iceland, just below the mountain peaks where The Game of Thrones was filmed; to the fun filled antics of the young American hired to teach his Japanese students how to have fun.

Number of pages: 129

Age/Interest level: 10 +

Amazon page:

Formats being offered: Paperback, Ebook, PDF

Friday, November 10, 2023

Review of The Heiress in Kent by Gregory Kopp

TITLE OF YOUR BOOK: The Heiress in Kent







Amazon Profile:



 _X_ Yes, I have received permission from the reviewer to reprint their review in its entirety. 


REVIEWER’S BYLINE: Doanné Deventer for Readers’ Favorite 


INCLUDE THE THE REVIEW ITSELF, of course! Gregory Kopp's novel The Heiress in Kent takes place in 19th-century London and New York. Sir Richard Mayne and Her Majesty the Queen ordered Scotland Yard detective Richard Cordwell to investigate urgent matters regarding the British throne's financial investments in the American railroads. During a global financial crisis, Cordwell embarks on his journey to uncover the truth and meets new and interesting people along the way. The handsome detective is entrusted with a secret mission from the queen herself that keeps him on his toes. While traveling to different towns to investigate the financial fraud that could negatively impact Britain's economy, he finds himself in challenging situations to complete this secret mission. The burning question on everyone's mind is, who exactly is The Heiress in Kent?

The Heiress in Kent, a historical mystery novel by Gregory Kopp, is a delightful and easy-to-read book. Kopp skillfully introduces several characters in the plot, including two based on his great-grandparents. He has portrayed the era and two different countries remarkably well and has also conveyed the challenging times faced by the characters to the reader in a touching manner. The financial difficulties that the characters experience are relatable to our current economic situation. Kopp has conducted extensive research on the eras and history of both Britain and America, which is evident from the detailed annexures containing references to some of the characters and other relevant information. The book is fast-paced, and not overly complicated. I thoroughly enjoyed the journey it took me on.

REVIEWED BY: Doanné Deventer for Readers’ Favorite

Review Rating: 4 Stars

ABOUT THE AUTHOR WHOSE BOOK IS BEING REVIEWED: Gregory Kopp is an Amazon and Goodreads 5-Star Author, Graduate of Northwestern University and a Principal Consultant for Kopp Company, a privately held firm. Gregory is also a Talent Ambassador for The Walt Disney Company. The Amazon and Goodreads 5-Star acclaimed Kopp Chronicles series of novels have been nominated for Reader's Choice Awards, Goodreads Choice Awards and have received glowing reviews and been featured in “First Lines” of "BookLife Publishers Weekly" (,  an international news website of book publishing nd bookselling and by Readers’ Favorite respected by renowned publishers such asRandom House, Simon & Schuster and Harper Collins. They have also received numerous "Cover of the Month" & "Book of the Day" Honors.  

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

This Review for Tales2Inspire ~ The Diamond Collection - Series II Says It All!!

Now the recipient of a National Indie Excellence (NIEA) Finalist Award


Author’s Name: Lois W. Stern (Creator, editor, contributor)

Author’s email:


The complete editions of the Ruby (Gifts of Compassion) and Sapphire (Timeless Memories)  Collections under one cover 

Number of pages: 268

Age/Interest level: 10 +

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1507618050
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1507618059

Amazon link:

Reviewed by: Foluso Falaye 

Posted on: Readers' Favorite

Review: Tales2Inspire: The Diamond Collection - Series II is created by Lois W. Stern is a riveting collection of nonfiction short stories by award-winning authors. Each story inspires consciousness, empathy, and appreciation for the little things we take for granted. The book is divided into two sections. The first part focuses on stories of compassion while the second one is about timeless memories. In one story, we see how training dogs helps in teaching dropouts to be responsible. Another story reveals the effect of the horrors of the Holocaust on a survivor. An assistant DA shares the values he stands by while relating an encounter with some good-looking burglars. As these stories are told, each author is introduced with an "about the author" page that follows their brilliant contribution. We experience their amazing stories and connect with their important memories, as well as the life-changing messages they hold.

I found several parts of the book quite relatable, especially being judged by a lover's parent for having different hair. Additionally, I loved that each story doesn't have too many characters or themes but maintains a concise structure that allows for quick assimilation and deep intrigue. The collection includes themes of family, loss, health challenges, pets, sports, mental illness, and romance. Apart from the stories, readers are engaged with the book's other fantastic features, including book club discussion questions, pictures of protagonists and authors, and an "about" section. I loved all the tales so much that I am now convinced that everyone should tell their story. Like the authors in Tales2Inspire: The Diamond Collection Series II, everyone has a profound experience of life that sheds light on what truly matters. All nonfiction short story fans will be happy to read this beautiful, heartwarming book by Lois W. Stern.