The New Book Review

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Jill Lublin Shares Expertise for Businesses: Books are Business, Too

Get Noticed . . . Get Referrals
By Jill Lublin with Mark Steisel
Subtitle: Build Your Client Base and Your Business by Making a Name for Yourself
McGraw Hill, 2008
ISBN 9780071508278
Contact Reviewer:

Reviewed by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, award-winning author of three books of fiction and poetry and The Frugal Book Promoter: How to Do What Your Publisher Won't and The Frugal Editor: Put Your Best Book Forward to Avoid Humiliation and Ensure Success


Even good advice is often not believable. And writers are especially immune. Many of us tend not to believe in ourselves, anyway. As writers, we get more advice than we need— well intended perhaps— but mostly uninspired. When to write, how to write, how to query editors, how to punctuate.

The beauty of Jill Lublin's Get Noticed . . . Get Referrals is that what she tells us about promotion and the business world (and, yes, it translates directly to the book biz) comes from her expertise. It also comes from her heart.

That kind of personal involvement is a motivator for anyone and is intended to be. There is way too much talk out there about "self-promotion," a term that reeks of misguided give me this and gimme that tactics. This book is about true public relations.

The word "relations" is the tipoff. Good promotion and the profession of PR is all about relationships and though most of us think we know how to form those, there is lots we may not know. Especially in the business world—whatever business we may be in. Good business relationships don't just happen, they need to be worked like a good marriage. (Come to think of it, some of Jill's approaches to getting noticed and getting referrals might help some marriages out there!)

Then there's the word "public." For those of us who write books, it is an essential word, the word that lets people know enough about us and our books so that we can share what we write with others. That's the whole idea, isn't it?

My favorite chapter is Number Ten (p. 128), "Build on Your Passions." Most writers are passionate about the business of writing—of telling a story or sharing expertise. Much of what is in this chapter is not new but it is reaffirming. Further, it may help writers understand that to be successful their passion must extend beyond the writing of something to the getting of that something into the public consciousness. One of the hints I liked was for people who are having trouble doing it. Lublin says, "Fake it . . . at least initially." Psychologists ascribe to the same theory. You simply "act as if" and you find your life (and your career and maybe even your book sales!) improving.

I am a person who thinks tips and anecdotes are among the best ways to reach people. They give people what they need or want in little easily-read and easily-related to pieces. Jill knows that, too. Her book is scatted with small shaded areas that clip the best and the most pithy stuff from her book and make it easy for you to internalize them in a few seconds.

The reviewer is an instructor for UCLA Extension's Writers’ Program. She is the author of two award-winning books, THIS IS THE PLACE and HARKENING. TRACINGS, an award-winning chapbook of poetry, is available at Her how-to book for writers, THE FRUGAL BOOK PROMOTER: HOW TO DO WHAT YOUR PUBLISHER WON’T, is the winner of USA Book News' Best Professional Book of 2004 and the Irwin Award and her new book THE FRUGAL EDITOR: PUT YOUR BEST BOOK FORWARD TO AVOID HUMILIATION AND ENSURE SUCCESS is also a USA Book News Best Book and a winner of Reader Views Literary Award.

The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, founder of Authors' Coalition ( It is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews and reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've loved. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page.