Beyond Coincidence Stories
Title: Tales2Inspire ~The Emerald Collection
Subtitle: Beyond Coincidence stories
Series: Tales2Inspire®
Authors: Lois W. Stern, Stan Cupery, M.D., Cami Ann Hofstadter, Ph.D, Erica Kosal, Ph.D., Tina Chippas (a.k.a. Matina Nicholas), Anne Knorr, James Osborne, Heidi DuPree, Fran Gustman, T. H. Everingham, Donna Surface, Tom Eliopolus, Cheryl Gerber
Genre: Inspirational Anthology
Publisher: Tales2Inspire
ISBN-10: 1492321397
ISBN-13: 978-1492321392
Price: $11.25, PB, $4.99 Kindle
Format: Paperback, Ebook, PDF


Dr. Bernie Siegel, Noted physician, healer, author and humanist, (A Book of Miracles, the Art of Healing, 365 Prescriptions for the Soul)
Read and Learn the Lessons of Life
These are books with a heart - filled with stories which reveal what happens when we choose to live in a way that is life enhancing for all God's creatures. Our potential is miraculous when we choose to inspire the vapor of love. The people in these stories have always been my teachers. Read and learn the lessons of life.”
Grady Harp
“Oh, by the way, I don't have any legs.”
Lois W Stern has collected a group of tales written by a fascinating group of authors that convey a sense of purpose, destiny, and reason for being. In the original edition of this book, the author offered the following: ‘Is there really such a thing as coincidence, or could there be an unknown force, a higher power, taking charge? This is a question you are likely to ponder as you read the collection of heartwarming stories contained within the pages of this book. Although all are true, don’t be surprised if you find yourself saying “unbelievable” as you finish reading some, or simply getting a feel-good rush from others. Tales 2 Inspire ~ Beyond Coincidence: A collection of inspiring stories written by talented authors from across the globe. Each motivational, uplifting story is enhanced by the inclusion of original, full color photos and/or drawings, making this a treasured gift book at a most reasonable price.’
That states the joy and satisfaction every reader will feel after spending time with this book. Interestingly enough there is a story by Lois that is one of the highlights - the story of an adoption of a handicapped child and the reflections of that child as a young woman: ‘Luck shone down on this infant from the moment she entered the Bricker household. She felt the unconditional love of her parents and three older brothers, all with solid values that helped her grow into the remarkable person she is today. As a young woman reflecting back on her childhood, Jen says with admiration:“ They are amazing and they don’t even realize it. They are just good people. I don’t know how, but they always managed to handle each situation exactly the right way.” From early on the Brickers told Jen that there was no such word as can't. Instead they taught her how to go after the things she really wanted. With their guidance, Jen’s indomitable spirit and confidence soared. She vigorously dove into sports, meeting each challenge head on with confidence and the expectation of success. More often than not, she realized her dreams. Jen led a happy, rewarding life, playing softball, basketball and volleyball. But her passion was gymnastics. When she was ten, she won fourth place in the Amateur Athletic Union's Junior Olympics in Hampton, Va., and was Illinois state power tumbling champion in her division…etc.’
Just a sample - but an indication of the quality of stories collected here. They restore belief, hops, and admiration for humanity.
Susan Haley
Award winning author, Rainy Day People
I would hazard to guess that everyone has had an inspiring dream, cherishes a heart-felt memory, or perhaps a life changing accomplishment that determined the direction their lives would take from there. Also, I would bet that many wish they could put that experience into words to help or inspire others. As a one-time struggling author myself, I am fully aware of the power of words and the joy of knowing they touched someone. The missing elements here are the vision and energy of another inspired person to put it all together and offer up the stage from which to share these hopes, dreams and successes. This is what Lois W. Stern has accomplished with her "Tales2Inspire" Collections; she's offered up the stage.
I met Lois, a new author in her own right then, several years ago when we both became involved with an "Authors Helping Authors" group at a Publisher's Conference. Even then with her own new book recently published, Lois was looking for ways to help all authors. And, help authors she has done. The energy she has put into these series is a "Tale2Inspire" in itself. The heart-warming stories in the Collections showcase that spark of human spirit present in all of us. I strongly recommend them to anyone who has those days when they simply need a lift.
Susan Haley, Author
The amazing coincidences of life, chance meetings of family or loved ones, after sometimes decades apart feature strongly, in both chapters four and five. Again (with an underlying message that anything is possible if you have faith and never give up.)
Chapter six outlines courage in the face of your darkest foe and reminds us that character is something that you earn. There is much joy in chapter seven this is more about unconditional love and the joy it will bring. The story in chapter eight is more reflective, dealing with the more complex emotions of love and loss. Chapters nine and ten are animal stories but are both uplifting. The reader will be cheering for both characters and amazed at the dedication and loyalty bonds between animal families. The final chapters are about love and family. Again there are amazing coincidences that return people together. Maybe this is fate, maybe it is faith but the message again is “Never give up on your hopes”
Overall a good impression and I would look forward to others in the series.
Glenn Poveromo
Motivational Speaker, Author of The Power of Visualization, The Spirit's Self-Help Book,
Change Your Thinking / Change Your Life: Learn to Live Your Best Life Possible
Beautifully crafted gems - yours to read over and over again
Is it true that there are no coincidences in life? If you believe as I do that there exists an energy that is beyond our five senses then Tales2Inspire is a MUST read for you. Each story will lead you to consider that we are a collective part of something much larger than our individual selves and that divine interventions are available to us at any moment in time. Beginning with the internal voice heard by Dr. Dan Lloyd that moved him to perform his "one-of-a-kind" life saving surgery in The Voice and concluding with the amazing story of Pat Surface in The Gift of Family, Lois W. Stern has achieved her objective in bringing to the reader stories that touch the mind, heart, and soul. The Emerald Collections is the perfect subtitle for the beautifully crafted gems that are yours to read over and over again. I highly recommend this book for anyone who might ever ask the question: "Why not?"
Rod DiGruttolo: author
Group Leader Sarasota Writers Group
The Emerald Collection of inspiring stories brings us remarkable messages of faith, courage and peace. All these tales depict strength we can only hope to possess in a time of crisis or despair. Each story is unique and gives us an insight into the lives of those who experienced these wondrous moments.
Authors share life experiences that carry us beyond the realm of our everyday existence. We are allowed a brief glimpse into lives of strangers filled with love, hope, despair and longing. Each of these stories brings a new promise of peace to the reader.
Unlike many books that you read just once and put aside, if you are like me, you will want to return to these stories again and again. I felt uplifted by their energy, examples of courage, selfless behaviors, devotion and everyday miracles, and the powerful messages that they held. I will forever be thankful to have shared such special moments in their lives. I can identify with those who triumphed over hardship, helped their fellow man and empathized with the helpless.
Michael Monjion, Amazon Vine Voice Reviewer
I was blown away about the Little White Church story that you must read first. I now know what a miracle really is. These stories are very short but to the point, and you will truly enjoy each and every one of them. The stories will bring tears to your eyes.
Dr. Karen Hutchins Pirnot
Clinical psychologist, Author of fourteen published books including: As I Am, Just a Common Lady, Nothing Left to Burn, Making Love on Scrabble
Truly Tales to Inspire the Heart and Soul
Do you believe there’s a reason for everything? That people come into our lives, and leave, for aa reason? Well, if so, this book is an inspiration for you all with its messages of hope and inspiration.
Steve Brock
Stevo’s Book Reviews on the internet
Stories to Warm Your Heart, Uplift Your Spirits, and Sometimes Leave You Gasping the Single Word, "Unbelievable."
Did you ever experience something that you felt couldn't have happened simply by coincidence - that perhaps an unknown force entered your life to take charge? These are the true 'Beyond Coincidence' inspiring stories (you will read in this book), written by everyday people just like you.
Tales2Inspire® was a kernel of an idea that I started in 2012 which has grown to proportions even I didn’t dare to envision. My innate curiosity about potentially fascinating human interest stories was the spark that ignited this idea, but it was the confused state of traditional publishing at that time that propelled me forward. Tales2Inspire® delivers exactly what it promises as both an ‘Authors Helping Authors’ project and a contest. Winners get their stories published in print, as e-books, and some even in video formats, with their names, headshot photos, and mini-autobiographies included. Then I spread the word about the winners and their stories on my blogs, social media and monthly newsletter. FREE to enter, this is a great competition for talented newbies and seasoned authors alike who continue to strive to hone their skills.