Title: Dying to Belong: How I Accidentally Found Myself
Author: Diane Mullins
Genre: memoir, self-help, empowerment
ISBN 978-0997431605
Reviewed by L. Artzer
This book will get your attention for anyone captivated by a true story. Dying to Belong is an inspiring book about a young girl desiring to belong anywhere or with anyone. Throughout her life and her journey that God has taken her on woke her up to an important realization. Through an unbelievable tragedy, she begins to find out and to know who she really is. I was attracted to the title of this book because I too wanted to belong to something. It helped me to go after finding myself. So, if you are looking for help to find yourself, then this book is for you.
Diane has her master’s degree from Grand Canyon University where she studied psychology to better understand people and how to help them succeed. As an author she tells how a tragic accident literally saved her life. She is now inspired to help others. Learn more about her at:

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