Title: Never Retreat
Author: Bonnie McCune
Author’s Web site: www.BonnieMcCune.com
Genre: Women’s fiction, contemporary romance
Name of reviewer: Doriana R. Fontanella
Publisher: Imajin Books
Never Retreat paperback
ISBN 978-1-77223-351-3
ISBN 978-1-77223-351-3
ISBN 978-1-77223-351-3
ISBN 978-1-77223
ISBN 978-1-77223
Never Retreat electronic book (Kindle/Amazon)
ISBN 978-1-77223-350-6
ISBN 978-1-77223-350-6
ISBN 978-1-77223-350-6
Review by Doriana R. Fontanella
I have read Bonnie’s previous two novels and find that she does not have a cookie cutter approach to her writing. So many times in reading an author’s various works, we can tell that the plot is boiler plate and the characters just have new names. In Italian, we say “Cambia il maestro, ma la musica è sempre la stessa.” In other words, the characters change but it is always the same old story.
Especially in Never Retreat, Bonnie’s approach to story-telling has evolved and matured. There is such wonderful details and descriptions of the surroundings that they become part of the story even before the weather becomes a major character.
Doriana R. Fontanella
Write Connection LLC
Bonnie McCune has been writing since age ten, when she submitted a poem about rain rushing down the gutter to the Saturday Evening Post (it was immediately rejected). This interest facilitated her career in nonprofits doing public and community relations and marketing. She’s worked for libraries, directed a small arts organization, and managed Denver's beautification program.
Simultaneously, she’s been a freelance writer with publications in local, regional, and specialty publications for news and features. Her civic involvement includes grass-roots organizations, political campaigns, writers' and arts' groups, and children's literacy. For years, she entered recipe contests and was a finalist once to the Pillsbury Bake Off. A special love is live theater. Had she been nine inches taller and thirty pounds lighter, she might have been an actress.
Her true passion is fiction, and her pieces have won several awards. Never Retreat is her third novel and her fifth book of fiction. For reasons unknown (an unacknowledged optimism?), she believes one person can make a difference in this world. Visit her at www.BonnieMcCune.com, Bonnie@BonnieMcCune.com, twitter.com/bonniemccune, facebook.com/authorBonnieMcCune, www.linkedin.com/in/BonnieMcCune.

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