The Great First Impression Book Proposal
An Amazon Short
Only 49 cents
Published by Amazon.com
Reviewed by May L. Lattanzio "Inkslinger", author of "Paradise," an Amazon Short
It's not the writing of the book I hate . . . that part's fun. As an author, freelance writer and poet, no matter how many times you write and rewrite a piece, there's a lot of pride and enjoyment that goes into birthing your best creative efforts.
The downside is...The DREADED QUERY LETTER and BOOK PROPOSAL. They crushing to me, and probably to others who are serious about getting their work "out there" as well. For me, I HATE, HATE, HATE them! I can write a novel - no sweat. But I sweat blood over proposals and queries.
Carolyn Howard-Johnson makes it easy, gives you the switches that can turn you and even the most cold-blooded editor on.
Try it. I'm taking this little booklet and having it tattooed on my inner arm. It's going to be useful to you, I promise. And if you aren't a writer, and you know one, send it on. They'll love it.
The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, founder of Authors' Coaliition (www.authorscoalitionandredenginepress.com). It is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love--and that includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews and reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page.