Title: The Truth About White Supremacy, Sexism, and Mind Control in America
Author: A. L. Bryant
Publisher: BookBaby
ISBN: 9781543900026
EBook: $4.99
Available as an e-book on Amazon
Reviewed By Sefina Hawke for Readers’ Favorite - 5 Stars - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Truth About White Supremacy, Sexism, and Mind Control in America (Astonishing Discoveries, Unearthed Secrets, and How to Heal) by A.L. Bryant is
non-fiction inspirational book that would appeal most to an audience of adults interested in learning about the true facts of white supremacy, sexism, and mind control in the United States of America. A.L. Bryant examines the truth behind how racism and sexism began, and how it evolved into what it is today. She goes on to scrutinize what mind control is, who uses it, and how. Are you ready to open your mind to the truth of these dark aspects that have been plaguing America for years?
The Truth About White Supremacy, Sexism, and Mind Control in America by A.L. Bryant is first and foremost an interesting book that provides a whole new perspective on some of the critical issues that are plaguing America. I liked how the author delved into the psychology of the issues as the author presented not just the proven facts, but also the impact of the mind on them. I found the examination of mind control to be my favorite part as it had the most psychology involved in it. Overall, this book taught me more about these issues than I ever knew. I truly hope the author decides to continue to write more on such issues as the way the information was explained and portrayed made for excellent reading material! Here's the reviewer's link: