TITLE: From Depression to Contentment: A self-therapy guide
AUTHOR Bob Rich, Ph.D.
ISBN-13: 978-1-61599-435-9 paperback
ISBN-13: 978-1-61599-436-6 hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-1-61599-437-3 eBook
BUY AT: Loving Healing Press
PUBLISHER: Loving Healing Press
REVIEWER Jack Pilgers
RATING 5 stars
Reviewed by Jack Pilgers
Evidently, Dr. Bob Rich has walked the walk. He has been there, done it, helped others to do it and here in this very readable, succinct and yet hard-hitting work lets you know how you can do it as well. Here you can learn how to get your soul and mind back in order. Above all, it is supremely practical. Dr. Bob Rich has spared us the swathes of academic literature that can clog up similar works. Yet he is clearly familiar with the literature itself (and helpfully includes links in the book) and brings it to bear on the issues around depression with impressive clarity. Helpful as well, are the numerous heart-rendering examples that Dr. Bob Rich provides from those that have sought help from him.
In ‘From Depression to Contentment,’ Dr. Bob Rich gives us, in clear simple steps, a way out, a guiding light. He knows this works, you just have to do it. Depression is not a label, pills are not a healthy way out, but there are steps that we can take that will start us on the ladder out of the pit. There is a fair amount of literature that will tackle any one of his suggestions in more detail, such as Matthew Walker’s excellent text, Why We Sleep, which is, surprisingly, about healthy sleeping. However, here in one simple pragmatic volume, are all those steps and how you should do them. Just as importantly, it is not only what you should do, but what you should not do.
What I loved about this book was its focus on meaning. There are some excellent passages on how important this is to mental health -- I won’t spoil it for you, but this is a hugely important issue that can be neglected within this field, and Dr. Bob Rich explains it intelligently.
Dr. Bob Rich puts you back in control, does not accept the usual mantras and sops for the soul, and he wisely puts the issue of depression into its wider context. This is a timely and important text that makes a shrewd and significant contribution to this field.
Really enjoyed it!
Jack has taught Philosophy and Theology for many years in schools, colleges, and universities, and finds the most intriguing and relevant aspect of philosophy is its relevance to peoples' lives. He has pursued his study of Philosophy, including further degrees from Spanish and UK universities as well as a sabbatical at Oxford University. Yet he believes that the understanding of our place in the world beyond the obvious and mundane is what fascinates, and is as pressing as ever, and this is what he has chosen to write about. His book, “Jack’s Path,” https://www.amazon.com/Jacks-Path-Jack-Pilgers-ebook/dp/B086WGNKD7/
Bob is a passionate healer. He regularly answers cries of desperation posted at various venues like https://www.queendom.com/advices/index.htm Queendom, and https://www.quora.com/q/dgsbpeqrpmchgtjk?sort=top the Suicide Prevention blog. Since he has been doing this since 1999, many of his answers are in the public domain, and so he gets emails, and contacts via his blog, Bobbing Around https://bobrich18.wordpress.com
Many of these people become friends for years. They are Bob’s grandchildren, justifying his title as Professional Grandfather.
Learn more about Dr. Bob Rich at
http://bobswriting.com and subscribe to his eclectic newsletter at
Bobbing Around https://bobrich18.wordpress.com
He tweets at @bobswriting.
His mottoes are:
'Commit random acts of kindness."
"Live simply so you may simply live."
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