Tales2Inspire ~ The Emerald Collection: Beyond Coincidence
- Series: Tales 2 Inspire
- Paperback: 124 pages
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1492321397
- ISBN-13: 978-1492321392
Be prepared to feel goosebumps while reading about amazing coincidences beyond belief -- except each story has actual proof. Actual proof is not usually available in anthology stories. It is fairly easy to find stories that are rather amazing and think, "Oh, sure, nice story." However, this book is not like others in that proof in the form of photos is included in each story.
From Carolyn Wilhelm's review on Amazon
My favorite quote from the book is as follows:
"There can be a silver lining after the storm. Just promise yourself and your loved ones that you will seek it out.”
Each story is amazing, and when I thought a story was over the best part was yet to come! Incredible and true reading.
Reading the stories is one thing, but towards the end of the book, the author tells how writers can be part of the Tales2Inspire series. The requirements are strict and explain why each story is so wonderful. The rules for story submission impressed me even more, as I realized what each author went through to be accepted in the anthology. There is no fee for submitting a story, just an amazing coincidence. Reading the rules was what hooked me!
*Each submitted Tale must be an original, non-fiction story.
*Tales2Inspire ™ strongly encourages authors to include author owned, relevant images to enhance the impact of their Tale.
*NOTE: The power of included images is factored into the final scoring, with the exception of the humor category, where no photos are requested
*It is the author’s responsibility to be sure any such images do not violate copyrights.
*As an Authors Helping Authors Project, each author will judge three other ‘tales’
This particular collection is authored by Stern, Lois W.; Cupery M.D., Stan; Hofstadter, Cami Ann; Kosal Ph.D., Erica; Chippas (a.k.a. Martina Nicholas), Tina; Knorr, Anne; Osborne, James; DuPree, Heidi; Gustman, and Fran; Surface, Donna.
Do you have an amazing coincidence in your life that you would like to share? Find out more at the following sites, and get a free eBook while you are visiting.
Tales2Inspire website: http://www.tales2inspire.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/tales2inspire2
Facebook author page: www.facebook.com/tales2inspire
Tales2Inspire trailer: https://youtu.be/FuDgXkYMHvo
Blog: http:://www.tales2inspire/blog

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