Title: The power of good people
Authors: Para Paheer and Alison Corke
Publisher: Wild Dingo Press http://wilddingopress.com.au
ISBN: 9780648066323
Reviewer: Dr Bob Rich https://bobrich18.wordpress.com
As I am writing this review, the current government of my country is committing its worst crime against humanity to date. 602 men have been deprived of water in a tropical location, denied food and all other amenities, and exposed to very real danger of murder and mutilation.
These men have committed no crime, but have been imprisoned without trial, in some cases for many years. If Para had sought refuge in Australia a few years later, he might well be among them.
These are the refugees in Australia’s illegal concentration camp on Manus Island. After a sleepless night, I have sent various politicians, including the Minister for Inhumanity, and the Prime Minister, this message: “You are committing a crime against humanity. If any of those 602 men die, you will be guilty of murder.”
What else can I do?
Only what Para and Alison are doing: our best to change people’s perception of asylum seekers. Refugees like I was, like Para is, are just... people. We tend to be those with courage, intelligence and initiative, who manage to escape impossible situations when others succumb. When accepted, we benefit our new home in many ways. Look at the record of high achievers who once were refugees.
The writing in this book is very powerful. Ali’s voice is calm, factual, avoids hysteria, and is all the more compelling for this. She narrates Para’s life, with him figuring there in a great many quotes so that he quickly becomes a real live person to the reader: a boy then young man to admire.
I’ve read other stories of trauma, such as Anne Frank’s Diary, The Rugmaker of Mazar-e-Sharif, and I am Malala. This book belongs up there with them.
Dr Bob Rich is an author. Read more about what he calls "my best book at http://bobswriting.com/guardian.html. Subscribe to his eclectic newsletter at
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