The New Book Review

This blog, #TheNewBookReview, is "new" because it eschews #bookbigotry. It lets readers, reviewers, authors, and publishers expand the exposure of their favorite reviews, FREE. Info for submissions is in the "Send Me Your Fav Book Review" circle icon in the right column below. Find resources to help your career using the mini search engine below. #TheNewBookReview is a multi-award-winning blog including a recommendation.

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Showing posts sorted by date for query Nonfiction. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, September 5, 2024

A Seldom-Heard Voice of Autism Speaks

Title: Finally Autistic:

Subtitle: Finding My Autism Diagnosis as a Middle-Aged Female

Author: Theresa Werba

Publisher: Bardsinger Books, 

Genres: Nonfiction, Women;

Nonfiction Health;  Memoir

ISBN: 978-0-9656955-3-4

Released August 2024

$12.95 paperback

124 pages

Find it on Amazon 

FINALLY AUTISTIC: Finding My Autism Diagnosis as a Middle-Aged Female


Reviewed by Andrew Benson Brown 


Finally Autistic: Finding My Autism Diagnosis as a Middle-Aged Female is a revealing portrait of one woman’s lifelong struggle with autism.

As someone who worked in mental health for nearly a decade, I can testify that this memoir shows a level of insight and awareness that many people with mental health issues struggle to achieve, and never find. Werba herself groped towards awareness after being misdiagnosed for years, and admits to still struggling with the underlying emotional and behavioral issues that come with an Autism Level 1 diagnosis. As she put it, “Why, with grey hairs abounding, do I still have problems when people ask me, ‘How are you?’

Calling it a memoir is not entirely accurate. It is more of an autobiographical case study.
Werba’s personal reflections and anecdotes are firmly rooted in data: an autism assessment, school report cards that highlight her “unsatisfactory” levels of self-control, and even developmental reports from when she was in preschool (all reproduced in full within these pages). Her blending of subjective reflections with objective data points make this a unique work.

This is not Werba’s first go at autobiographical writing. She is also the author of Warning Signs of Abuse: Get Out Early and Stay Free Forever (2015), and When Adoption Fails: Abuse, Autism, and the Search for My Identity(2001). Even further back, as she tells us in the pages of this book, she wrote her first autobiography in second grade: “I was ‘a baby that cried a lot,’” she tells us.

Theresa Werba’s life story is fascinating in the worst possible way. “Childhood was difficult, challenging, painful, and even sad for me,” she writes. Born of a teenage sex worker, adopted by members of a religious cult who abused her, getting in constant trouble at school, self-harming as an adolescent, struggling to hold jobs as an adult, being disinherited by her adoptive mother, living in an abusive marriage to a drug addict: these experiences are superficially similar to those of many who end up on the wrong side of the criminal justice system, or in a psychiatric institution.

Somehow, though, Werba did not end up like so many others. Quite the opposite, in fact—she became a successful classical singer and poet. She had a litter of children, all of whom are successful today. In short, she beat the odds.

How? Well, as she described it, things got better for her “as I developed the ability to ‘mask’—the face I learned to put on when singing and in social activity.” Interestingly, she attributes her successful masking to her identity as an artist, since eccentric behavior is tolerated more in this social type. Her talent for singing music and performing poetry, she tells us, turned out to be her “saving grace.” It not only provided her with a creative outlet, but allowed her to communicate with an audience in socially acceptable ways.

My own familiarity with Werba, prior to reading this book, was through poetry. She is a widely acknowledged master of formal lyric verse, one of the best sonneteers writing today. Reading her published work or watching her perform, one would not have any idea that she struggles with neurodivergence, and most who know her from this world remain ignorant of the fact. I’ve known her for several years now myself and had no idea about any of this until a few months ago. Her masking, as she put it, has “led to many close friendships throughout my life, as well as more lovers and entanglements than I care to remember.”

I read this book in one sitting, unable to put it down. I think this, in part, has to do with humankind’s addiction to schadenfreude: while it is illuminating and usually sad, it is also entertaining in a tragicomic sort of way. Werba chronicles, in detail, all the jobs she was fired from for behavioral issues that affected her performance, as well as social situations that wrecked many of her personal relationships.

One disastrous social situation highlights the book’s instructive and entertaining aspects. Once while substitute teaching for a Kindergarten class, Werba decided to bring some historical context to a reading of “The Night Before Christmas.” Conditioned by her religious beliefs to believe that presenting fairy tales as truth was bad, she told the children about the real Saint Nicholas, saying that he died in the 4th century. This somehow turned into children going home and telling their parents that “Teacher said Santa Claus is dead,” which turned into a teacher’s visit to the principal’s office, which turned into an interview with a local news station. “I ended up getting hate mail from all over the country,” Werba said. This in addition to being fired from substitute teaching at that school.

The explanation she gives for her behaviors here could well stand in for every situation in the book: “I was rigid and inflexible when confronted with this dilemma and I could not see any nuanced resolution to my problem.” This is, in a nutshell, how people with Autism Level 1 deal with the world.

In uncovering the roots of her “rigid and inflexible” nature, Werba highlights the surprising connection between autism and religion. She partly attributes her early lack of proper diagnosis to living in a conservative Anabaptist community and the black-and-white thinking this engendered. “My one-minded obsessive thinking could be interpreted as religious fervor,” she writes, observing that people with autism are prone to being drawn towards fundamentalism, “and even cults.”

Werba does not go into much detail about her years in a fundamentalist religious community or her abusive marriage, events she has previously recorded in When Adoption Fails and Warning Signs of Abuse. While this would no doubt make for more fascinating reading, she stays focused on the topic of neurodivergence and only relates life events directly relevant to her autism.

A chapter that describes being wrongly classified as having bipolar disorder goes into the horrors of misdiagnosis. During a particularly difficult time when the responsibilities of life were overwhelming her, Werba’s psychiatrists placed her on a bevy of medications she shouldn’t have been on. She was largely bedridden for five years.

Werba remained misdiagnosed for three decades, into her early fifties. Eventually it was a relative, not a medical professional, who first noticed that Werba was probably not bipolar. After reading about autism in a psych 101 textbook, her daughter-in-law told her son, “this sounds like your mom.”

“Bulls**t,” said Theresa when her son brought it up. “I am bipolar with anxiety. I don’t have autism.”

She slowly came around to the idea, though, and “welled with tears” when receiving the results of her 2015 autism assessment. “I was glad and sad at the same time,” she writes.

The book ends on an inspiring note. Since being properly diagnosed, she has been living her best life: tracking down her Jewish biological father, studying Hebrew and exploring Judaism, publishing numerous books of poetry, and living independently.

Finally Autistic is good source for professionals researching this area. More generally, it is useful for anyone seeking to understand people with this diagnosis. Above all, it is a window into the mind of a great artist.



Andrew Benson Brown is Arts Columnist at The Epoch Times and author of Legends of Liberty.


Theresa Werba the author of eight books, four in poetry, including What Was and Is: Formal Poetry and Free Verse (Bardsinger Books, 2024). Her website is and she can be found on social media @thesonnetqueen. She is frequently reviewed and reviews of her books appear often on this The New Book Review blog. She also frequently shares reviews of others’ books here have published several reviews of my books before in addition to books I have reviewed.



More About #TheNewBookReview Blog 

 The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. Authors, readers, publishers, and reviewers may republish their favorite reviews of books they want to share with others. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read and love. Please see submission guidelines in a tab at the top of this blog's home page or go directly to the submission guidelines at or to the guideline tab at the top of the home page of this blog. Authors and publishers who do not yet have reviews or want more may use Lois W. Stern's #AuthorsHelpingAuthors service for requesting reviews. Find her guidelines in the right column of this blog home page (a silver and gold badge and threee silver-gray circles beneath it. Carolyn Wilhelm is our IT expert, an award-winning author and veteran educator, she also contributes reviews and posts on other topics related to books. Reviews, interviews, and articles on this blog are indexed by genre, reviewers' names, and review sites so #TheNewBookReview may be used as a resource for most anyone in the publishing industry. As an example, writers will find this blog's search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. #TheFrugalbookPromoter, #CarolynHowardJohnson, #TheNewBookReview, #TheFrugalEditor, #SharingwithWriters, #reading #BookReviews #GreatBkReviews #BookMarketing HowToDoItFrugally Pre-format the post editor for each new post. Cancel Save Post published

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Laura Sturza Recommends The Frugal Editor to Her Students

Title: The Frugal Editor
Subtitle: Do-It-Yourself Editing Secrets
Edition: Third Edition
Publisher: Modern History Press
ISBN: 9761615996001
Available on Amazon Hardcover, Paperback, E-book
       USA Book News, Reader Views Literary Award, 
       Next Generation Marketing Awardm Next Generation Indie Book Award, 
       Dan Poynter's Global E-Book Award

Reviewed by Laura Sturza originally for Amazon 

I am a writer and a writing teacher and I highly recommend this book to my students. It is particularly helpful for those writing a book as it includes detailed information about presenting the best version of one's manuscript when submitting it to agents and publishers. There is also lots of information to help those submitting work to magazines and newspapers so that editors don't reject an excellent story because it includes editing errors. While I have been steeped in the writing business for decades, this book taught me so much and helped me refine other essentials, such as decisions about a book's layout. Years ago, I met the author when she ran a writing group. By using personal stories and humor, Howard-Johnson brings that same, warm, conversational style to relaying information that I have found challenging to absorb from other sources. There were grammar corrections she covered that I have struggled with for years, and which she simplified. The book is also full of resources to further explore the topics covered. My copy is full of sticky notes to help me as I continue to edit my first book. When it is published, I have the author to thank for helping me create the strongest possible version of it so that readers can enjoy the story without the distraction of editing flubs.

Disclaimer: I received a book from the publisher of this book so I could write a fair and honest review.



 Laura Sturza is a writer/teacher living in Rockville, Maryland after 20 years in L.A., which remains her other home. Her work is published in The Washington Post, Shondaland, The Boston Globe Magazine, AARP's The Girlfriend, The LA Times, Lunch Ticket, and Hippocampus, among others. Laura is completing the memoir, Better Late: My Midlife First-Time Marriage. She was a nonfiction editor on the forthcoming book, Transformation: A Women Who Submit Anthology. She wrote, produced, and starred in the one-woman show, Finding the Perfect Place to Live in 111 Gyrations

Authors, readers, publishers, and reviewers may republish their favorite reviews of books they want to share with others. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read and love. Please see submission guidelines in a tab at the top of this blog's home page or go directly to the submission guidelines at Authors and publishers who do not yet have reviews or want more may use Lois W. Stern's #AuthorsHelpingAuthors service for requesting reviews. Find her guidelines in the right column of this blog home page (a silver and gold badge and threee silver-gray circles beneath it. Carolyn Wilhelm is our IT expert, an award-winning author and veteran educator, she also contributes reviews and posts on other topics related to books. Reviews, interviews, and articles on this blog are indexed by genre, reviewers' names, and review sites so #TheNewBookReview may be used as a resource for most anyone in the publishing industry. As an example, writers will find this blog's search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

This Review for Tales2Inspire ~ The Diamond Collection - Series II Says It All!!

Now the recipient of a National Indie Excellence (NIEA) Finalist Award


Author’s Name: Lois W. Stern (Creator, editor, contributor)

Author’s email:


The complete editions of the Ruby (Gifts of Compassion) and Sapphire (Timeless Memories)  Collections under one cover 

Number of pages: 268

Age/Interest level: 10 +

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1507618050
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1507618059

Amazon link:

Reviewed by: Foluso Falaye 

Posted on: Readers' Favorite

Review: Tales2Inspire: The Diamond Collection - Series II is created by Lois W. Stern is a riveting collection of nonfiction short stories by award-winning authors. Each story inspires consciousness, empathy, and appreciation for the little things we take for granted. The book is divided into two sections. The first part focuses on stories of compassion while the second one is about timeless memories. In one story, we see how training dogs helps in teaching dropouts to be responsible. Another story reveals the effect of the horrors of the Holocaust on a survivor. An assistant DA shares the values he stands by while relating an encounter with some good-looking burglars. As these stories are told, each author is introduced with an "about the author" page that follows their brilliant contribution. We experience their amazing stories and connect with their important memories, as well as the life-changing messages they hold.

I found several parts of the book quite relatable, especially being judged by a lover's parent for having different hair. Additionally, I loved that each story doesn't have too many characters or themes but maintains a concise structure that allows for quick assimilation and deep intrigue. The collection includes themes of family, loss, health challenges, pets, sports, mental illness, and romance. Apart from the stories, readers are engaged with the book's other fantastic features, including book club discussion questions, pictures of protagonists and authors, and an "about" section. I loved all the tales so much that I am now convinced that everyone should tell their story. Like the authors in Tales2Inspire: The Diamond Collection Series II, everyone has a profound experience of life that sheds light on what truly matters. All nonfiction short story fans will be happy to read this beautiful, heartwarming book by Lois W. Stern.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Celebrating the 3rd Edition of The Frugal Editor

The Frugal Editor
Third Edition
Subtitle: Do-It-Yourself Editing Secrets
Author:  Carolyn Howard-Johnson 
Publisher:: Modern History Press
Hard Copy: 9781615996018, $41.95, 296pp
E-book: $8.95
Paperback book: $26.95
Review from Midwest Review may now be seen on Midwest’s Writing/Publishing Shelf  

Reviewed by Jim, Editor in Chief of Midwest Book Review

Synopsis: Whether you are a new or experienced author, this updated and expanded third edition of "The Frugal Editor: Do-It-Yourself Editing Secrets-From Your Query Letters to Final Manuscript to the Marketing of Your New Bestseller" by veteran author, editor and book marketer Carolyn Howard-Johnson will dramatically assist aspiring and experienced authors to present whistle-clean copy from a one-page cover letter to their entire manuscript in ways that will convince those with the power to say "yea" or "nay" to their book.

This third edition of "The Frugal Editor", is part of Carolyn's multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally Series of Books for writers and has been awarded accolades from Reader Views Literary Award, Dan Poynter's Global Ebook Award, the coveted Irwin Award, and many others. This fully updated edition includes the new help you need from managing gender pronouns to maximizing the usefulness of front and back matter. Altogether, "The Frugal Editor" now provides 50% more information designed for the success of an author's title.

Critique: Speaking as the editor-in-chief of the Midwest Book Review, one of the most common problems that self- published authors exhibit is a lack of much needed editing with respect to the books they present for my review and for sale to libraries and the general public.

While this newly revised and expanded third edition of "The Frugal Editor: Do-It-Yourself Editing Secrets-From Your Query Letters to Final Manuscript to the Marketing of Your New Bestseller" should be considered as mandatory reading for beginners, and even the more experienced authors will benefit substantially from the experience, expertise, wit and hard earned wisdom of writing and publishing expert Carolyn Howard-Johnson.

While also available for personal reading lists in a paperback edition (9781615996001, $26.95) and in a digital book format (Kindle, $8.95), "The Frugal Editor" is a seminal and unreservedly recommended addition to professional, community, and academic library Writing/Publishing instructional reference collections and supplemental Writing/Publishing Workshop curriculum studies lists

Editorial Note: Carolyn Howard-Johnson ( was the youngest person ever hired as a staff writer for The Salt Lake Tribune where she wrote features for the society page and a column under the name of Debra Paige. That gave her insight into the needs of editors, the very people authors must work with to get free ink and the ones likely to spot unprofessional editing when they see it. Being familiar with the way news is handled helps her see how different books fit into different news cycles.

Later in New York, she was an editorial assistant at Good Housekeeping Magazine. In the Big Apple she also handled accounts for fashion publicist Eleanor Lambert who instituted the first Ten Best Dressed List. There she started writing media releases (then called press releases) for celebrity designers of the day including Pauline Trigere, Rudy Gernreich, and Christian Dior instead of being one of those dreaded gatekeepers of releases who get to say yay or nay.

Carolyn has worked as columnist, reviewer, and staff writer for the Pasadena Star-News, Home Decor Buyer, the Glendale News-Press (an affiliate of the LA Times), and others. She learned marketing skills both in college (University of Utah, and University of Southern California) and as founder and operator of a chain of retail stores. That molded her understanding of how authors might best collaborate with retailers to affect both of their bottom lines. Carolyn's experience in journalism and as a poet and author of fiction and nonfiction helped the multi award-winning author understand how different marketing techniques might be used for each genre.

She was an instructor for UCLA Extension's renowned Writers' Program for nearly a decade and earned an instructor's certificate from that school. She studied writing at Cambridge University, United Kingdom; Herzen University in St. Petersburg, Russia; and Charles University in Prague.

Carolyn turned her knowledge toward helping other writers with her HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. Her marketing campaign for the first edition of this book won Reader Views Award, USA Book News Award, and the marketing campaign for it won the Next Generation Indie Award for marketing.


Monday, June 12, 2023


Please help me celebrate the release of the 3rd edition of the Winningest Book in Carolyn Howard-Johnson’s “HowToDoItFrugally” Series of books,  “The Frugal Editor”! 

SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 2023

Dawn Colclasure Lauds Carolyn Howard-Johnson's "The Frugal Editor"

I love author-edited newsletters like the one below from Dawn Colclasure below for information, yes, but especially for networking and building a loyal base.  You'll see from the "More About the Author" that Dawn is not only a prolific author, but among her books are career-boosting how-tos for writers--and you (my SharingwithWriters and TheNewBookReview subscribers and visitors) know how I am about books being the most frugal way (and often the most credible way!) to build writing careers. Today's post was a surprise from Dawn, perhaps my first quite like this. It is what I will call and "editorial review" or recommendation.  It will become a vital part of my celebration of the release of the 3rd edition of my #TheFrugalEditor. Here it is! Along with a sample of her newsletter!  

Welcome to the latest issue (the of the 

Thirteenth!) of the SPARREW Newsletter!

An Assortment of Dawn Colclasure's Poetry, Fiction, and About Anything
and Everything Else! 

The free monthly newsletter for self-publishers, authors, readers, reviewers, editors and writers! I am happy to have you aboard! Thank you for subscribing! And welcome to new subscribers!

Thanks to her lovely contributions to this newsletter, Carolyn Howard-Johnson’s newest release, the third edition of The Frugal Editor: Do-It-Yourself Editing Secrets-From Your Query Letters to Final Manuscript to the Marketing of Your New Bestseller is not an unknown book to me. If you’d like to read about Carolyn’s thoughts on why the update of this book was necessary, you can check it out in my article in First Chapter Plus here: pages 16-17


But aside from getting new nuggets of editorial wisdom from this book, I was surprised by how Carolyn’s reminder to edit query letters really hits home. I have reviewed many rejected query letters and realized that, after some thought, they definitely could use some editing. Carolyn’s book can help whip those query letters into shape! It’s definitely a must-have book for every writer serious about making their work shine.


We got a great issue put together for you this month.


In a recent issue of The Wordling newsletter, I learned about self-publisher Paul Millerd. After reading about his success as a self-publisher, I knew I had to interview him for my own newsletter! Despite his VERY busy schedule, Paul was able to find some time to answer my questions. Check out his sage advice about self-publishing below!


The author interview is with an author I have know for some time: William Meikle. I met William decades ago, through the Absolute Write Water Cooler. Even though it’s been many years since I’ve participated at the Water Cooler, I kept track of William through other online platforms – mainly, social media. When I learned he had books coming out this month, I wanted to interview him so he could share all about them! Don’t miss my interview with William and learn all about his journey in becoming an author.


And finally, the writer interview is with another fellow scribe I have known for many years: Shanta Everington. I met Shanta when I was writing for a parent publication based in England, and we kept in touch on and off ever since. Shanta graciously took some time to answer questions for the writer interview and to share her wisdom about all things writing.


This month’s feature article is from a fellow author who I recently crossed paths with. After I won a book drawing through Jessica McCann’s newsletter, I wanted to return the nice gesture and asked her if she would like to contribute a guest post to this newsletter. Thankfully, Jessica agreed to do so, and I loved how her ideas for writing puts a nice spin on the process! Please check out her article to find out just how she does it!


I hope you enjoy this issue! Feel free to drop me a note or connect with me on social media! I'd love to connect with you!

Enjoy this issue!

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

How-to-Books For Authors - Celebrating Their Reviews and Their Reviewers

Please help me celebrate the release of the 3rd edition of the Winningest Book in Carolyn Howard-Johnson’s “HowToDoItFrugally” Series of books,  “The Frugal Editor”! 

SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 2023

Dawn Colclasure Lauds Carolyn Howard-Johnson's "The Frugal Editor"

I love author-edited newsletters like the one below from Dawn Colclasure below for information, yes, but especially for networking and building a loyal base.  You'll see from the "More About the Author" that Dawn is not only a prolific author, but among her books are career-boosting how-tos for writers--and you (my SharingwithWriters and TheNewBookReview subscribers and visitors) know how I am about books being the most frugal way (and often the most credible way!) to build writing careers. Today's post was a surprise from Dawn, perhaps my first quite like this. It is what I will call and "editorial review" or recommendation.  It will become a vital part of my celebration of the release of the 3rd edition of my #TheFrugalEditor. Here it is! Along with a sample of her newsletter!  

Welcome to the latest issue (the of the 

Thirteenth!) of the SPARREW Newsletter!

An Assortment of Dawn Colclasure's Poetry, Fiction, and About Anything
and Everything Else! 

The free monthly newsletter for self-publishers, authors, readers, reviewers, editors and writers! I am happy to have you aboard! Thank you for subscribing! And welcome to new subscribers!

Thanks to her lovely contributions to this newsletter, Carolyn Howard-Johnson’s newest release, the third edition of The Frugal Editor: Do-It-Yourself Editing Secrets-From Your Query Letters to Final Manuscript to the Marketing of Your New Bestseller is not an unknown book to me. If you’d like to read about Carolyn’s thoughts on why the update of this book was necessary, you can check it out in my article in First Chapter Plus here: On pages 16-17


But aside from getting new nuggets of editorial wisdom from this book, I was surprised by how Carolyn’s reminder to edit query letters really hits home. I have reviewed many rejected query letters and realized that, after some thought, they definitely could use some editing. Carolyn’s book can help whip those query letters into shape! It’s definitely a must-have book for every writer serious about making their work shine.


We got a great issue put together for you this month.


In a recent issue of The Wordling newsletter, I learned about self-publisher Paul Millerd. After reading about his success as a self-publisher, I knew I had to interview him for my own newsletter! Despite his VERY busy schedule, Paul was able to find some time to answer my questions. Check out his sage advice about self-publishing below!


The author interview is with an author I have know for some time: William Meikle. I met William decades ago, through the Absolute Write Water Cooler. Even though it’s been many years since I’ve participated at the Water Cooler, I kept track of William through other online platforms – mainly, social media. When I learned he had books coming out this month, I wanted to interview him so he could share all about them! Don’t miss my interview with William and learn all about his journey in becoming an author.


And finally, the writer interview is with another fellow scribe I have known for many years: Shanta Everington. I met Shanta when I was writing for a parent publication based in England, and we kept in touch on and off ever since. Shanta graciously took some time to answer questions for the writer interview and to share her wisdom about all things writing.


This month’s feature article is from a fellow author who I recently crossed paths with. After I won a book drawing through Jessica McCann’s newsletter, I wanted to return the nice gesture and asked her if she would like to contribute a guest post to this newsletter. Thankfully, Jessica agreed to do so, and I loved how her ideas for writing puts a nice spin on the process! Please check out her article to find out just how she does it!


I hope you enjoy this issue! Feel free to drop me a note or connect with me on social media! I'd love to connect with you!

Enjoy this issue!

Thursday, May 11, 2023

TITLE: Subterranean Address—New & Selected Poems

AUTHOR: Judith Skillman

PUBLISHER: Deerbrook Editions

ISBN 979-8-9865052-2-0


176 pp

Available on AMAZON.




"A collection that begins with a turnip and ends with a young seal shows the surprise and originality of an award-winning poet in tune with nature and herself. An amazing compilation to enjoy in wonder and delight."~ Carol Smallwood



Carol Smallwood received the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award. She is the author of books of poetry, nonfiction.



  The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. Authors, readers, publishers, and reviewers may republish their favorite reviews of books they want to share with others. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read and love. Please see submission guidelines in a tab at the top of t 

Authors and publishers who do not yet have reviews or want more may use Lois W. Stern's #AuthorsHelpingAuthors service for requesting reviews. Her guidelines are being reworked. Subscribe to this blog in the right column to find her guidelines when they become available.

  Carolyn Wilhelm is our IT expert, an award-winning author and veteran educator she contributes reviews and posts on other topics related to books. 

 Reviews, interviews, and articles on this blog are indexed by genre, reviewers' names, and review sites so #TheNewBookReview may be used as a resource for most anyone in the publishing industry. As an example, writers will find this blog's search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. #TheFrugalbookPromoter, #CarolynHowardJohnson, #TheNewBookReview, #TheFrugalEditor, #SharingwithWriters, #reading #BookReviews #GreatBkReviews #BookMarketing

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Actor, Dancer, Author Shares 3rd Issue of Her Fave Books about Film

TITLE Favorite Books about Movies: Part Three
AUTHOR: Betty Jo Tucker
GENRE Nonfiction
AWARDS: Author received five awards for books about films (see Bio below)

                     Favorite Books about Movies: Part Three

Most movie addicts like me want to read as much as possible about films and filmmaking. Below are ten more of my favorite movie-related books. Each one listed made me feel involved, entertained and informed.

Twist of Lemmon. Chris Lemmon (Algonquin Books, 2006). Chris Lemmon wrote this acclaimed book about his father Jack Lemmon, one of Hollywood’s legendary movie stars. He has created a touching memoir, one that reveals the beloved family man behind Jack Lemmon’s star persona. Fortunately, Chris also includes many fascinating behind-the-scenes stories relating to his father’s remarkable movie career as well as personal tributes from such well-known show biz greats as Neil Simon, Cliff Robertson, Andy Garcia, Julie Andrews, Tony Curtis and Shirley MacLaine.   

Casablanca Film Trivia: Here’s Looking at You, Kid! Tom Barnes (Papyrus Publishing, 2008). Everything you’ve always wanted to know about the classic movie Casablanca can be found in this fun trivia book. Author Ted Barnes includes 1,130 questions about Casablanca. These questions cover such areas as history, actors, script, critics, images, characters, production staff, music, geography, goofs, and clothing. Each of the 33 chapters centers on a specific category or theme, and most of the chapters end with interesting “factoids” about this wonderful movie. I had a great time trying to answer Barnes’ questions while reading his book. I also learned some intriguing new information about one of my favorite movies

CLORIS. Cloris Leachman and George Englund (Kensington Books, 2010). The late great Cloris Leachman’s enthralling autobiography is such a candid, entertaining and inspirational book! As expected, it’s filled with delicious behind-the-scenes anecdotes about her work in films, television, radio and live theater. But it also reveals fascinating surprises concerning her private life and personal philosophy for living to the fullest. Cloris boasts a wealth of acting experience to draw from -- and she offers readers many humorous incidents to enjoy.  

Dishing Hollywood. Laurie Jacobson (Cumberland House Publishing, 2003). Film historian Laurie Jacobson writes about the most notorious scandals that have rocked Tinseltown from the early part of the 20th century up to the present. Her scintillating book contains tales of lives cut short, unsolved mysteries, dramatic suicides and steamy affairs fill the pages of Jacobson’s revealing romp through some of Hollywood’s biggest scandals involving stars like Gary Cooper, Lana Turner, Robert Mitchum, John Wayne, Marilyn Monroe, Debbie Reynolds, Frank Sinatra, Natalie Wood, River Phoenix and many more. This one is a real page-turner, folks!  

In Search of Lost Films. Phil Hall (BearManor Media, 2016). Author Hall is on an important mission, and he reveals all about it in this impressive book. He explains why so many films throughout the world have disappeared. Hall also describes a number of these movies and discusses the difficulty of evaluating the work of stars like Theda Bara and Lon Chaney because so many of their films are missing. But my favorite part of the book lists the various (and sometimes strange) places where certain lost films have already been discovered.  After reading this book, I started looking closer at storage areas, closets and yard sales for suspicious-looking film canisters. 

In the Company of Legends. Joan Kramer and David Heeley (Beaufort Books, 2015). Kramer and Heeley describe interesting behind-the-scenes experiences while making their marvelous movie star documentaries. Starting with award-winning profiles of Fred Astaire in 1980, they produced film portraits of the lives and careers of many other Hollywood legends including Spencer Tracy, Humphrey Bogart, John Garfield, Errol Flynn, Katharine Hepburn, Paul Newman, Judy Garland, Jimmy Stewart and Henry Fonda. This dynamic duo established a reputation for finding the un-findable, persuading the reluctant, and maintaining unique relationships long after the end credits rolled. Their dedicated team work is something to be admired!        

Madeline KahnBeing the Music – A Life. William V Madison (University Press of Mississippi, 2016). Madison’s in-depth biography of this beloved actress who won so many fans by combining her musical talent and flair for comedy gives readers a behind-the-scenes look at Madeline Kahn’s personal and professional life. It’s an inspiring tale about the persistence and dedication of an insecure but highly talented artist.  Although earning a degree in speech therapy and receiving training as an opera singer, Madeline became famous as a popular star of film, stage and TV. She wowed me in Young FrankensteinBlazing SaddlesHigh Anxiety, and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother. This book is a must-read for people who love Madeline as well as books about troubled showbiz stars.     

Shut Up! I’m Talking! Coming Out in Hollywood and Making It to the Middle. Jason Stuart (CCB Publisher, 2019). Jason Stuart was the first openly gay stand-up comedian. But he’s also performed character work in many feature films including Tangerine and The Birth of a Nation. He has the ability to take on various roles of any genre, and make them believable. And he has earned over 150 credits that prove he is talented, professional, and persistent. This memoir documents his long and curious career. As a mentor of many people “across all ages, straight and gay,” Stuart wanted to share what he learned, and that’s the purpose of this unique book.      

Tim and Tom: An American Comedy in Black and White. Tim Reid and Tom Dreesen. (The University of Chicago Press, 2009). Back in the tumultuous 1960s, actor Tim Reid and comedian Tom Dreesen began to use their talents as entertainers to help people deal with the serious problems of that chaotic time. This splendid book chronicles their experiences -- both positive and negative -- while entertaining and educating audiences as America’s first interracial comedy team. Reid has starred in many movies (including Trade, Dead Bang, and Say a Little Prayer), but he’s known best for his role as Venus Flytrap in WKRP in Cincinnati. Dreesen, a stand-up comic, has appeared on film in Man on the Moon and Spaceballs. 

Writing with Hitchcock: A Collaboration of Alfred Hitchcock and John Michael Hayes. Stephen Derosa. (Faber and Faber, 2001). Derosa explains how Hitchcock and Hayes worked together in four of Hitchcock’s early films (The Trouble with Harry, Rear Window, To Catch a Thief, and The Man Who Knew Too Much). Biographical sketches of both men as well as a breakdown of all four films are included. For Avid Hitchcock fans like me, this book is a treasure. 




BIO: Betty Jo Tucker served as editor/lead film critic for ReelTalk Movie Reviews for 20 years. She also writes film commentary for AuthorsDen and the Colorado Senior Beacon. She is the award-winning author of Confessions of a Movie Addict, Susan Sarandon: A True Maverick, Cinema Stanzas: Rhyming About Movies, and Cinema Stanzas Two: Poet Laureate of the Movies. Using the pen names of Harry and Elizabeth Lawrence, Betty Jo and her husband Larry co-wrote It Had To Be Us, a romantic memoir adapted for the screen under the title of CAKE: A Love Story,which earned First Place in the Short Film category at the NSAEN Online International Film Festival. She is a co-founder of the San Diego Film Critics Society, a member of the Online Film Critics Society and an approved Rotten Tomatoes critic.

TWITEER MONIKER: Betty Jo Tucker @MovieAddictRevu


More About #TheNewBookReview Blog The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. Authors, readers, publishers, and reviewers may republish their favorite reviews of books they want to share with others. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read and love. Please see submission guidelines in a tab at the top of this blog's home page or go directly to the submission guidelines at or to the guideline tab at the top of the home page of this blog. Authors and publishers who do not yet have reviews or want more may use Lois W. Stern's #AuthorsHelpingAuthors service for requesting reviews. Find her guidelines in a tab at the top of the home page, too. Carolyn Wilhelm is our IT expert, an award-winning author, a veteran educator and also contributes reviews and posts on other topics related to books. Reviews, interviews, and articles on this blog are indexed by genre, reviewers' names, and review sites so #TheNewBookReview may be used as a resource for most anyone in the publishing industry. As an example, writers will find this blog's search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. #TheFrugalbookPromoter, #CarolynHowardJohnson, #TheNewBookReview, #TheFrugalEditor, #SharingwithWriters, #reading #BookReviews #GreatBkReviews #BookMarketing

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Author, Critic Shares Ten Fave Books About Movie Industry

Author and Critic Betty Jo Tucker Mini Reviews of Her Ten Fave Books About Movies 

TITLE Favorite Books about Movies: Part Three

AUTHOR: Betty Jo Tucker


GENRE Nonfiction


AWARDS: Author received five awards for books about films (see Bio below)

                          Favorite Books about Movies: Part Three

Most movie addicts like me want to read as much as possible about films and filmmaking. Below are ten more of my favorite movie-related books. Each one listed made me feel involved, entertained and informed.

Author, Actor Shares Nine Fave Books About Movie Industry

Twist of Lemmon. Chris Lemmon (Algonquin Books, 2006). Chris Lemmon wrote this acclaimed book about his father Jack Lemmon, one of Hollywood’s legendary movie stars. He has created a touching memoir, one that reveals the beloved family man behind Jack Lemmon’s star persona. Fortunately, Chris also includes many fascinating behind-the-scenes stories relating to his father’s remarkable movie career as well as personal tributes from such well-known show biz greats as Neil Simon, Cliff Robertson, Andy Garcia, Julie Andrews, Tony Curtis and Shirley MacLaine.   

Casablanca Film Trivia: Here’s Looking at You, Kid! Tom Barnes (Papyrus Publishing, 2008). Everything you’ve always wanted to know about the classic movie Casablanca can be found in this fun trivia book. Author Ted Barnes includes 1,130 questions about Casablanca. These questions cover such areas as history, actors, script, critics, images, characters, production staff, music, geography, goofs, and clothing. Each of the 33 chapters centers on a specific category or theme, and most of the chapters end with interesting “factoids” about this wonderful movie. I had a great time trying to answer Barnes’ questions while reading his book. I also learned some intriguing new information about one of my favorite movies

CLORIS. Cloris Leachman and George Englund (Kensington Books, 2010). The late great Cloris Leachman’s enthralling autobiography is such a candid, entertaining and inspirational book! As expected, it’s filled with delicious behind-the-scenes anecdotes about her work in films, television, radio and live theater. But it also reveals fascinating surprises concerning her private life and personal philosophy for living to the fullest. Cloris boasts a wealth of acting experience to draw from -- and she offers readers many humorous incidents to enjoy.  

Dishing Hollywood. Laurie Jacobson (Cumberland House Publishing, 2003). Film historian Laurie Jacobson writes about the most notorious scandals that have rocked Tinseltown from the early part of the 20th century up to the present. Her scintillating book contains tales of lives cut short, unsolved mysteries, dramatic suicides and steamy affairs fill the pages of Jacobson’s revealing romp through some of Hollywood’s biggest scandals involving stars like Gary Cooper, Lana Turner, Robert Mitchum, John Wayne, Marilyn Monroe, Debbie Reynolds, Frank Sinatra, Natalie Wood, River Phoenix and many more. This one is a real page-turner, folks!  

In Search of Lost Films. Phil Hall (BearManor Media, 2016). Author Hall is on an important mission, and he reveals all about it in this impressive book. He explains why so many films throughout the world have disappeared. Hall also describes a number of these movies and discusses the difficulty of evaluating the work of stars like Theda Bara and Lon Chaney because so many of their films are missing. But my favorite part of the book lists the various (and sometimes strange) places where certain lost films have already been discovered.  After reading this book, I started looking closer at storage areas, closets and yard sales for suspicious-looking film canisters. 

In the Company of Legends. Joan Kramer and David Heeley (Beaufort Books, 2015). Kramer and Heeley describe interesting behind-the-scenes experiences while making their marvelous movie star documentaries. Starting with award-winning profiles of Fred Astaire in 1980, they produced film portraits of the lives and careers of many other Hollywood legends including Spencer Tracy, Humphrey Bogart, John Garfield, Errol Flynn, Katharine Hepburn, Paul Newman, Judy Garland, Jimmy Stewart and Henry Fonda. This dynamic duo established a reputation for finding the un-findable, persuading the reluctant, and maintaining unique relationships long after the end credits rolled. Their dedicated team work is something to be admired!        

Madeline KahnBeing the Music – A Life. William V Madison (University Press of Mississippi, 2016). Madison’s in-depth biography of this beloved actress who won so many fans by combining her musical talent and flair for comedy gives readers a behind-the-scenes look at Madeline Kahn’s personal and professional life. It’s an inspiring tale about the persistence and dedication of an insecure but highly talented artist.  Although earning a degree in speech therapy and receiving training as an opera singer, Madeline became famous as a popular star of film, stage and TV. She wowed me in Young FrankensteinBlazing SaddlesHigh Anxiety, and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother. This book is a must-read for people who love Madeline as well as books about troubled showbiz stars.     

Shut Up! I’m Talking! Coming Out in Hollywood and Making It to the Middle. Jason Stuart (CCB Publisher, 2019). Jason Stuart was the first openly gay stand-up comedian. But he’s also performed character work in many feature films including Tangerine and The Birth of a Nation. He has the ability to take on various roles of any genre, and make them believable. And he has earned over 150 credits that prove he is talented, professional, and persistent. This memoir documents his long and curious career. As a mentor of many people “across all ages, straight and gay,” Stuart wanted to share what he learned, and that’s the purpose of this unique book.      

Tim and Tom: An American Comedy in Black and White. Tim Reid and Tom Dreesen. (The University of Chicago Press, 2009). Back in the tumultuous 1960s, actor Tim Reid and comedian Tom Dreesen began to use their talents as entertainers to help people deal with the serious problems of that chaotic time. This splendid book chronicles their experiences -- both positive and negative -- while entertaining and educating audiences as America’s first interracial comedy team. Reid has starred in many movies (including Trade, Dead Bang, and Say a Little Prayer), but he’s known best for his role as Venus Flytrap in WKRP in Cincinnati. Dreesen, a stand-up comic, has appeared on film in Man on the Moon and Spaceballs. 

Writing with Hitchcock: A Collaboration of Alfred Hitchcock and John Michael Hayes. Stephen Derosa. (Faber and Faber, 2001). Derosa explains how Hitchcock and Hayes worked together in four of Hitchcock’s early films (The Trouble with Harry, Rear Window, To Catch a Thief, and The Man Who Knew Too Much). Biographical sketches of both men as well as a breakdown of all four films are included. For Avid Hitchcock fans like me, this book is a treasure. 


Betty Jo Tucker's review was originally published at her ReelTalk Movie Reviews.  She was editor/lead film critic for ReelTalk Movie Reviews for 20 years. She also writes film commentary for AuthorsDen and the Colorado Senior Beacon. She is the award-winning author of Confessions of a Movie Addict, Susan Sarandon: A True Maverick, Cinema Stanzas: Rhyming About Movies, and Cinema Stanzas Two: Poet Laureate of the Movies. Using the pen names of Harry and Elizabeth Lawrence, Betty Jo and her husband Larry co-wrote It Had To Be Us, a romantic memoir adapted for the screen under the title of CAKE: A Love Story, which earned First Place in the Short Film category at the NSAEN Online International Film Festival. She is a co-founder of the San Diego Film Critics Society, a member of the Online Film Critics Society and an approved Rotten Tomatoes critic.

TWITEER MONIKER: Betty Jo Tucker @MovieAddictRevu


More About #TheNewBookReview Blog and Blogger

<a href="">HowToDoItFrugally</a> 

The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning series of books for writers at

Authors, readers, publishers, and reviewers may republish their favorite reviews of books they want to share with others. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read and love. Please see submission guidelines in a tab at the top of this blog's home page or go directly to the submission guidelines at or to the guideline tab at the top of the home page of this blog. 
Authors and publishers who do not yet have reviews or want more may use Lois W. Stern's #AuthorsHelpingAuthors service for requesting reviews. Find her guidelines in a tab at the top of the home page, too.  Carolyn Wilhelm is our IT expert, an award-winning author, a veteran educator and also contributes reviews and posts on other topics related to books.

Reviews, interviews, and articles on this blog are indexed by genre, reviewers' names, and review sites so #TheNewBookReview may be used as a resource for most anyone in the publishing industry. As an example, writers will find this blog's search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at <a href="">Sharing with Writers </a>and <a href="">The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor</a>. #TheFrugalbookPromoter, #CarolynHowardJohnson, #TheNewBookReview, #TheFrugalEditor, #SharingwithWriters, #reading #BookReviews #GreatBkReviews #BookMarketing