This is your how-to page for authors to submit a query for
Lois W. Stern to help you find reviews for your book.
Lois W. Stern, author advocate and associate of TheNewBookReview, offers readers who are authors a path to getting free and ethical reviews for their books. No kidding! Lois explains how to do it below and you'll learn more about her other "Authors Helping Authors" projects in her biography below those guidelines. Please feel free to let those in the publishing industry know about this service.
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Your #TheNewBookReview blogger
Get your review request (it's like a mini query for reviews!) listed here on this The New Book Review blog at no charge. Send your request to Lois at with REVIEW WANTED in the subject line. If you need help writing a query, see Carolyn Howard-Johnson's The Frugal Editor. (Check the Appendix for sample letters and the Index for help within the body of the book.)
Note: Please be sure the book you want to offer for review is already available for sale at or another online site where books are sold and include that link in your query.
All of this blog's services are free, including this "Learn How to Use Our Free Book Review Service."
AUTHOR'S E-MAIL: Contact information for person submitting (be it author, reviewer, reader reviewer, or publisher.)
AMAZON OR OTHER ONLINE BOOKSTORE URL: Kindly send full link (NOT shortened link, as they do not seem to be working on Google sheets).
* BOOK FORMAT(S) YOU ARE OFFERING FOR REVIEW: (Please note: Paper books are more likely to get review offers than e-books.) Paperback or hard copy books - Yes or No Electronic versions of your e-book such as Kindle, pdf - Yes or No
How Authors Handle the Review Requests They Receive
Disclaimers: 1. In the spirit of Authors Helping Authors, Lois is happy to provide her review-getting service to her fellow authors at no cost, but cannot guarantee that your listing will attract a reviewer.
2. Due to conflict of interest concerns, Lois does not review the books listed on her review-request page herself. Nor does The New Book Review employ reviewers. All reviewers are subscribers or visitors to the blog who volunteer their services because they love to read, want to support the publishing industry, and may want a little extra online exposure for their own projects.
Helpful Hint For Attracting Reviewers
Authors are more likely to find new reader-reviewers for their books if they promote (network) the link on the web--everywhere from website to blog to social media likeTwitter and Facebook! Lois will help guide you through that process upon request.
Tales2inspire® was a kernel of an idea I started in 2012, which has grown to proportions even I didn’t dare to envision. My innate curiosity about potentially fascinating human interest stories was the spark that ignited this idea, but it was the confused state of traditional publishing that propelled me forward. You see, in my heart I am all about authors-helping-authors and Tales2inspire® is another of those projects. It delivers exactly what it promises as both a project and a contest. Free to enter, this competition is open to talented newbies and seasoned authors alike who are willing to listen to their fellow author's critiques to better their work. Learn more here.