The New Book Review

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Children's Chapter Book Wins Rave Reviews

Night Buddies and the Pineapple Cheesecake Scare
Written by Sands Hetherington
Illustrations by Jessica Love
For more information visit   
Children’s Chapter Book (ages 8 to 12)
ISBN-10: 0984741712
ISBN-13: 978-0984741717
List $7.99 Paperback 128 pages
Also available in Kindle and Nook
Publisher: Dune Buggy Press
Available wherever books are sold and online.

Reviewed by World of Ink Reviewer Ann Stallard
Rating 5 stars

Overall Thoughts and About the Book:

The Night Buddies series is an after lights-out adventure story that delights young readers and middle graders who relish roller coaster fantasy and fun, filled with unforgettable characters and an astonishing and inventive collection of magical whatchamacallits.
The first book in the series “Night Buddies and the Pineapple Cheesecake Scare” introduces young readers to a bright-red crocodile with the goofy name Crosley. Add in the fact Crosley wears a yellow jumpsuit and is a member of Night Buddies Amalgamated whose job is to rescue kids from lying in bed awake and take them out on adventures. Now throw in a young John who isn’t ready to go to sleep yet and you have the beginning of the story.

John learns Crosley is more than just a red crocodile, which is unique enough. Crosley is also allergic to water and breaks out doing the Black Bottom dance for hours. Now through in the fact Crosley and John are both totally goofy about pineapple cheesecakes. It’s no wonder why Night Buddies Amalgamated made them a team and sends them on a mission to find out why there is worldwide shortage of pineapple cheesecakes. They’re all vanishing at the world’s only pineapple cheesecake factory across town and Crosley sees this as huge emergency. This new Night Buddies’ assignment for tonight--to investigate the problem and set things right. Of course, Night Buddies call it a “Program” and it won’t be easy. It definitely won’t be dull!

The story is filled with well-drawn fascinating characters embellished with some excellent illustrations by Jessica Love. The fonts change with emotion and circumstances, a fact that makes every page a little artwork that keep the child’s eye involved in the book. And just to make sure the youngsters reading this book have the inside information for a mystery, a glossary of ‘Night Buddies Uncommon Words’ is supplied – explaining ‘Jeeks’, ‘Wuff’, ‘Snerk!’ etc.

About the Author:

Sands Hetherington credits his son John for being his principal motivator. Sands raised his son as a single parent from the time John was six. He read to him every night during those formative years. He and young John developed the Crosley crocodile character in the series during months of bedtime story give-and-take. Sands majored in history at the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) and has an M.F.A. in creative writing and an M.A. in English from UNC-Greensboro. He lives in Greensboro.

About the Illustrator:

Jessica Love grew up in California, with two artist parents. She studied printmaking and drawing at UC Santa Cruz, then went on to study acting at The Juilliard School in NYC.
Jessica currently resides in Brooklyn, New York, toggling back and forth between her work as an actor and her work as an artist.

What Other People Are Saying:

“This little book is a winner!” —Grady Harp, Hall of Fame Amazon Reviewer
“Hetherington seems to have the right ingredients for a classic children’s whodunit—talking animals, an unsolved mystery and a brave hero willing to face unforeseen foes…” —Kirkus

“Stating that Night Buddies and the Pineapple Cheesecake Scare is a creative, imaginative and delightful tale is simply giving it its just desserts. Yerk! Yerk! Yerk!” — Drew Aquilina, International award-winning cartoonist and author, Green Pieces: Green From the Pond Up

“Night Buddies is a terrific story my second and third-graders would love to have read to them, complete with its colorful dialect. Thanks for the sneak peek!” — Lorie Thompson, Principal, Haskell Elementary School, Los Angeles Unified School District

“Two unlikely friends-one human and one crocodilian-embark on an adventure to solve a mystery: where did all the pineapple cheesecakes go? Have fun reading this lively story.” — Diane Witt, Retired Public Elementary School Teacher (30 years), Boulder, Colorado

~Book tour by VS Grenier, award-winning author and editor and founder and partner of World of Ink Network,
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The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. It is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page. Reviews and essays are indexed by genre, reviewer names, and review sites. Writers will find the search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. As a courtesy to the author, please tweet and retweet this post using this little green retweet widget :

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Story of One of Charles Dickens' Characters Come to Life

Title: Sydney's Story
Genre: Historical fiction
Author: Eileen Granfors
Web links
Author's Web site:
Available on Amazon at
Also available at
Reviewer by RJ McDonnell, author of the Rock 'n Roll Mystery series, including The Concert Killer and The Classic Rockers Reunion with Death  
Charles Dickens captivated the world's imagination with A Tale of Two Cities in 1859, selling over 200 million copies. One of his central characters, Sydney Carton, was a British barrister who struggled to redeem his ill-spent life. Talented author Eileen Granfors gives us an opportunity to understand the powerful experiences that molded Sydney's character and launched him on his collision course with destiny. This prequel is a must read for literary fiction fans.

The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. It is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page. Reviews and essays are indexed by genre, reviewer names, and review sites. Writers will find the search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. As a courtesy to the author, please tweet and retweet this post using this little green retweet widget :

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Linda Barnett-Johnson Reviews Young Adult Novel

Book: The Dog Men
Author: Patricia Crandall
Genre: Young Adult, Suspense/thriller
Author's Web Site:
Buy Link:
Rank: 5 stars
Reviewed by Linda Barnett-Johnson, Editor and Virtual Assistant for Authors. Originally review for Amazon.
The Dog Men is one of those books that your older kids and adults should read. If you are interested in what goes on in the dog fighting world, then it's for you. But it's also for those people that care about animals. Unfortunately, this goes on more than we know.

The characters are young kids about 9 and 10. As you know, most young kids are curious. When they discover a terrible secret in their small town, they vow to do something about it.

Fun read and a good gift to those kids that want something different.
More on the reviewer:
Linda Barnett-Johnson
Editor/Virtual Assistant
Assistant Editor of Long Story Short ezine
Administrative Director of LSS School of Writing
Her Blog.
The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. It is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page. Reviews and essays are indexed by genre, reviewer names, and review sites. Writers will find the search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. As a courtesy to the author, please tweet and retweet this post using this little green retweet widget :

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Layman's Guide to Fear Reviewed

A Layman’s Guide To Managing Fear
By Stan Popovich
Book Web site:
Publisher: Treble Heart Books
Genre: Self Help Book
ISBN: 1-928602-97-5Rated: [G]
Highly recommended by Allbooks Review

Reviewer: Cheryl Heinrichs, Allbooks Review at
“Reading this guide is a first step into the rest of your life.”
Fear is a state of mind or emotion when we sense personal danger. Some people are more prepared than others to rationalize their fears. It can prevent us from harm by removing us from the situation, but can also cause unbearable, immobilizing anxiety. Someone living with fear may make unhealthy life choices because they are afraid that they are incapable of forming a well balanced decision.
The author, Stanley Popovich presents three main principles in this layman’s guide to managing fear:

General Counseling Techniques encourages critical thinking and deductive reasoning. In order to make an informed confident choice, facts must be gathered first, and well researched. One must also factor in the ‘what if’ scenarios. Then with common sense reasoning determine what is most important. The reader is enlightened by the examples used of ‘John and Mary’s’ unpredictable situations.
Non-Resistant Methods of dealing with fear is more of a defensive approach. We all have ‘triggers’ that bring on anxiety and it is important to recognize them, not allowing ourselves to be ruled by them.
Christianity is a religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Belief in faith can provide a powerful foundation for problem solving.

FEAR is an introduction for readers who yearn to control their negative reactions. Stanley Popovich provides basic but exceptionally valuable steps in learning how to personally manage negative situations. Along with detailed stories the reader is provided with websites dealing with fear, twelve pertinent suggestions and several Biblical scriptures that provide support. As the title suggests, it may be used as a guide and empty pages are provided for your own notations.
Stanley Popovich has used his writing skills, analytical talents, interviews and diligent research in an attempt to educate readers. He was educated at Pennsylvania State University and has used these approaches in his own life.
I am no stranger to fear. In the past I had allowed myself to become controlled by it. Through reading, research and my physician’s advise I learned that there are many courses to take pertaining to the subject. I have completed several, adding a new confidence to my life. One is unable to enjoy a fulfilling life when fear is ever present. For more information please go to

Reading this guide is a first step into the rest of your life.

Author's Bio:
Stan Popovich is the author of "A Layman's Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods" - an easy to read book that presents a general overview of techniques that are effective in managing persistent fears and anxieties. For additional information go to:
The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. It is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page. Reviews and essays are indexed by genre, reviewer names, and review sites. Writers will find the search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. As a courtesy to the author, please tweet and retweet this post using this little green retweet widget :

Monday, August 13, 2012

Editor Reviews Catherine MacDonald's New Romance

Book: Seasons of the Vineyard
By Catherine MacDonald
Genre: Romance
Rating: 5 stars
Reviewed by Linda Barnett-Johnson, Editor and Virtual Assistant for Authors, originally for Amazon.
I have read and written reviews for a few books. None have left me wanting more than this book, Seasons of the Vineyard by Catherine MacDonald. If you like a strong woman character, this is the book for you. I couldn't put it down. There are twists and turns throughout. I spoke out loud in a few places. Pleading or getting angry at some of the events. But that's a sign of a great book. You get involved. You can't help it.

If you love learning too, this book will take you to wine country where the author shows you how grapes are grown and how wine is made. You know that Ms. MacDonald has done her research. It's very educational as well as a great romance. I laughed in spots and got mad in others. That's the sign of a well-written book. Ms. MacDonald has a knack for pulling you in from the beginning and makes you want more when you are finished.

This book is for women and men. Men can learn about the wine making process and how a strong woman can achieve through hard work and determination. Women will love and identify with the main character, Francesca, as she is pulled in many different directions, but finally does what she is meant to do, run a successful vineyard. I don't want to give anything away, so get the book today. You'll be glad you did.
~More about Linda Barnett-Johnson, editor and virtual assistant may be found on her Web site at  Linda Barnett-Johnson Editing Services. She is an administrative director of  LSS School of Writing, assistant editor of  Long Story Short ezine . Find her
 Blog here.

The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. It is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page. Reviews and essays are indexed by genre, reviewer names, and review sites. Writers will find the search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. As a courtesy to the author, please tweet and retweet this post using this little green retweet widget :

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Kathleen Smith Reviews Adventure Novel

Title: Can You Hear the Music?
Author: Sandra Farris
Author's website:
Genre: Adventure
ISBN: 0595302688
Reviewer's rating: 5 stars

Reviewed by Kathleen Smith originally for Amazon and

This one has captured my heart and soul! I absolutely loved it from beginning to end!,
"Listen, son, can you hear the music?"

"What music, Pa? I don't hear anything."

"Stand quiet and listen. Hear the wind singing through the trees, the birds whistling from the meadow and, if you listen really close, you can hear the brook laughing as it runs across the rocks and spills down the hill. That's the music I'm talking about...the music of life. No matter how big or important you may feel when you get older, I hope you will always take the time to stop and listen to that music."

"I don't understand. Those are just ever'day sounds you hear all the time."

"True, they are everyday sounds, but we don't always hear them because we take them for granted. It's the same with people. They are always there but we take them for granted and that is what saddens my heart, for I am as guilty as the rest." He sighed and shook his head. "Listen to the frog. His song is not as beautiful as the bird's and he is truly an ugly creature to you and me, but in his own way he contributes to that music of life. What I am really trying to say, son, is that no matter how insignificant and small a man may seem, he has that right to contribute and he is just as important."

In the novel, Can You Hear The Music by Sandra Farris, the reader is in for a delightful surprise when they begin this story in the life of Corey James, a young nine-year-old girl who finds herself left orphaned in 1919 when a tragic car accident claims the life of both her parents. Her Uncle, George and his wife Lizzie take Corey in, but soon is seems the Corey finds herself the target of abuse from Lizzie. Faced with emotional and physical abuse, Corey finds herself not wanted and it hurts her deeply. Knowing only that she doesn't like being hurt anymore, she takes her small dog Muffin and slips away into the night searching for love and acceptance in the form of anyone who can provide it.

Lucky for Corey that she has disguised herself as a young boy to avoid being found by her Aunt and Uncle, and finds the most unlikely friend in the form of a hobo named Andy Curruthers. Andy relates to Corey's situation being orphaned at the age of ten and vows to help him learn the ways of life traveling the rails and seeing the world.

I received this novel compliments of Sandra Farris for my honest review and was so enraptured by this story, I could not put it down once I started. She demonstrates the talents of a great story teller in creating the characters of Corey and Andy. You can't help but wish for them to remain together throughout the book and along the way, they both learn a thing or two about forgiveness and unconditional love. There are a host of lovable supporting characters, Gus Thatcher, Lord Mayor, Injun and even Muffin, her delightful dog who never leaves Corey side no matter how dark things get. I would love to see someone pick this one up and create a beautiful movie from it, and in my opinion this one deserves so much more than my usual 5 out of 5 stars. I would rate this one a 10!
The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. It is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page. Reviews and essays are indexed by genre, reviewer names, and review sites. Writers will find the search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. As a courtesy to the author, please tweet and retweet this post using this little green retweet widget :

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Mainstream Fiction Gets Crack Review from Quilldipper

TITLE: Twelve Months
AUTHOR: Steven Manchester
PUBLISHER: The Story Plant
RELEASE DATE: August 14, 2012
ISBN: 978-1611880533
GENRE: Commercial Fiction
Available on Amazon
Reviewed by Heather Froeschl originally for


"Life. A series of lessons for the soul? What is our purpose here on earth? That’s up to you. Life is what you make of it, or don’t make of it. For Don Dimarco, at age 57, he’s going to make the best of it. In Steven Manchester’s newest book, Twelve Months, readers will experience the hardest thing we have to face as human beings and will be grateful to the author for the reminder to live.

Don discovers that he has colon cancer. At stage four there really is nothing humane that can be done and the doctor tells him to live life to the fullest for what will be at best, twelve months longer. After the natural reaction of denial, resentment, anger, frustration and sorrow, Don gets on with the business of living. He writes a list of the top five things he’s always wanted to do and with the help of his dedicated wife, he sets out to accomplish them. What happens is more than he expected and greater than his family could have anticipated. The love between Don and his wife blossoms to the fullest capacity and through their shared adventures, readers will feel it radiating off the pages. The support and love from his family, as well as complete strangers, will bolster the reader’s feelings for humanity. Witnessing the growth of Don himself is a miraculous and amazing thing.

Facing the past, playing cowboy, declaring his love, confronting his demons, visiting paradise on earth…all are chapters in Don’s book of life and all are written with exquisite detail and deep feeling. You will experience each moment through outstandingly descriptive writing. Steven Manchester made me cry. I don’t think there is a reader who could get through this book without a tissue and a good healthy sob. What’s more important is the reminder the author gives us to live our own lives. Such a level of inspiration can be found here, such clarity of portraying the massive emotions of the characters, that one is in awe of the author’s wisdom. Steven doesn’t just write books; he authors life lesson plans.

Twelve Months is a powerful work of fiction."
~Contact the author at!/AuthorStevenManchester

The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. It is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page. Reviews and essays are indexed by genre, reviewer names, and review sites. Writers will find the search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. As a courtesy to the author, please tweet and retweet this post using this little green retweet widget :