The New Book Review

This blog, #TheNewBookReview, is "new" because it eschews #bookbigotry. It lets readers, reviewers, authors, and publishers expand the exposure of their favorite reviews, FREE. Info for submissions is in the "Send Me Your Fav Book Review" circle icon in the right column below. Find resources to help your career using the mini search engine below. #TheNewBookReview is a multi-award-winning blog including a recommendation.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

The New Book Review Offers a Way for Authors to Query for Free Reviews


Get your review request listed here on The New Book Review blog (no charge). Send me the elevator pitch describing one of your books and asking for a reviewer for it. The pitch should be no longer than 75 words. State format of book (paper back, pdf, e-book). Follow the format under REVIEW WANTED, below, to include all of the required information and send your request and description to with REVIEW WANTED in the subject line. Make sure the book is already listed at 

Authors who participate must be willing to send a book (in whatever format(s) you list below) and promotional materials to anyone who contacts them. Authors (or publishers!) who offer paper copies of their book are more likely to attract a reviewer. 

Just make your pitch short, describing the book in a few words. Lengthy submissions will not be posted. Interested reviewers only need enough information to see if they have expertise and an interest in your book--its category or genre. Supply full contact information including your name and email address. Write the draft as it should appear so that we do not have to do more than copy-and-paste. 

Kindly use the following format :

DESCRIPTION: (75 words or less)
    Paperback or hardcover books: YES OR NO
    Electronic formats (e-books, pdf, Kindle: YES OR NO
Note: Those offering 
paper back or hardcover copies are more likely to attract reviewers. 
AMAZON URL (or URL of other bookselling site where your book is listed)
Reviewer must commit to writing a review within 30 days, posting it on Amazon, and giving author permission to post it on the The New Book Review blog.




"Tales2inspire® was a kernel of an idea that I started in 2012, which has grown to proportions even I didn’t dare to envision. My innate curiosity about potentially fascinating human interest stories was the spark that ignited this idea, but it was the confused state of traditional publishing that propelled me forward. Tales2inspire® delivers exactly what it promises as both an ‘Authors helping Authors’ project and a contest. Winners get their stories published in print, e-book and some even in video formats, with their names, headshot photos, and mini-autobiographies included. But it doesn't end there. I continue to spread the word about the winners and their stories on my blog, social media and monthly newsletter. Free to enter, this is a great competition for talented newbies and seasoned authors alike. "

Lois W. Stern is a multi award winning author whose work has been featured in the New York Times, Newsday, on Local Access TV and in live presentations in many varied venues. She has now published nine Tales2Inspire® books of her contest winners' stories. Fans of Chicken Soup for the Soul are particularly enamored of Tales2Inspire books, because aside from their inspirational themes, they are filled with original photos to enhance the power of each story.

Lois invites interested readers to get a FREE Tales2Inspire® sampler book at: and to learn more about entering the next Tales2Inspire® contest at:


        More About #TheNewBookReview Blog

The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning #HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers . Authors, readers, publishers, and reviewers may republish their favorite reviews of books they want to share with others. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read and love. Please see submission guidelines in a tab at the top of this blog's home page or go directly to the submission form

Authors and publishers who do not yet have reviews or want more may use Lois W. Stern's "Authors Helping Authors" service for requesting reviews. Find her guidelines in a tab at the top of the home page. And know that Carolyn Wilhelm, our IT expert, award-winning author, and veteran educator, makes an award image especially for those who volunteer to write reviews from Lois's review-request list and post them in the spirit of her "Authors Helping Authors"  project.

Reviews, interviews, and articles on this blog are indexed by genre, reviewers' names, and review sites so #TheNewBookReview may be used as a resource for most anyone in the publishing industry. As an example, writers will find this blog's search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find Carolyn's also blogs at SharingwithWriters and The Frugal smart and Tuned-in Editor. #TheFrugalbookPromoter, #CarolynHowardJohnson, #TheNewBookReview, #TheFrugalEditor, #SharingwithWriters, #reading #BookReviews #GreatBkReviews #BookMarketing #amwriting

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