If you enjoy 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' stories, these are the books for you! Chiseled to perfection, each story even includes original photographs to further engage you and prove its authenticity.
Designed by Carolyn Wilhelm
Each Tales2Inspire® book contains a collection of contest winning stories from Lois' annual competition.
If you are a writer and are interested in participating in her free "Authors Helping Authors" project/contest, check out all details at: http://www.tales2inspire.com/contest-2.
She welcomes skilled authors and serious newbies alike.

Is there really such a thing as coincidence? Fifteen amazing Beyond Coincidence stories will make you wonder . . A girl learns that her childhood heroine is actually her biological sister. They meet and discover that their talents and interests are exactly the same. A runaway dog sits in a garden miles from home, too frightened to move. Its frantic owner stops a total stranger, the one person who can guide her to her dog.
AMAZON SHORTENED LINK: http://tiny.cc/2lq4tz
A mama cow dies seconds before giving birth, leaving a city gal to fearfully bring this newborn calf into the world. She raises him to a 2000 pound bull with the pride of a mother toward her growing child. . . While rolling across America in a non-motorized wheelchair, this man has a Personal Awakenings moment about the purpose of his life. These sixteen award-winning stories share Personal Awakenings moments to inspire readers everywhere.
PAGE COUNT: 122 pages
AMAZON SHORTENED LINK: http://tiny.cc/5lq4tz
All the stories published in the Emerald and Topaz Collections under one cover. (See above for a description of each of these books.) Each story was a winner in the Tales2Inspire annual international competition. You are assured the same great quality while saving money with this two-for-one edItion.
PAGE COUNT: 237 pages
AMAZON SHORTENED LINK: http://tiny.cc/2lq4tz
A child orchestrates a secret, helping his pappy join some circus band musicians for an afternoon of tooting - years later learning this was the most special day of Pappy’s life. A teacher uses her dog to help manage her class of special needs students. A boy with severe behavior problems stops acting out, at first whispering secrets in the dog’s ear, later making friends within his class. Seventeen contest winning stories of Timeless Memories.
PAGE COUNT: 124 pages
AMAZON SHORTENED LINK: http://tiny.cc/flq4tz

A woman rescues an abused horse, nursing him back to good health and confidence. Although thrilled to join equine pals in the field, he is always the first to come running when his human friend reappears . . . A black belt champion throws a temper tantrum each time he loses a match. But not for personal glory. He fights to keep ghetto children out of harm’s way, for one more day. Sixteen contest winning Gift of Compassion stories.
PAGE COUNT: 127 pages
AMAZON SHORTENED LINK: http://tiny.cc/blq4tz

Another powerhouse of inspiring stories, this book is the second Tales2Inspire® double header, containing all the stories contained in the Sapphire and Ruby Collections under one cover. Same great quality you have come to expect from our contest winning authors. Save with this two-books-in-one offer.
PAGE COUNT: 229 pages
AMAZON SHORTENED LINK: http://tiny.cc/hlq4tz
Sixteen amazing stories of animals covered in feathers or fur. A service dog stands between his owner and a minibus, to protect her from the brunt of its impact. A white goose befriends a near blind lab, taking him on daily walks while serving as his ‘guide dog’. The award-winning stories in this collection share tales of some incredible animals and the burst of energy they give the humans who love them.
PAGE COUNT: 126 pages
AMAZON SHORTENED LINK: http://tiny.cc/klq4tz

TALES2INSPIRE ~ THE PEARL COLLECTION You are about to meet some awesome kids, kids making an incredible impact to better our world. From saving gorillas slated for black market poaching, to rescuing dogs from kill shelters; from supplying needy children with backpacks filled with school supplies, to activists working to clean up our environment.. . . . Feeling discouraged about the next generation? Read these fifteen stories for a burst of optimism.
PAGE COUNT: 123 pages
AMAZON SHORTENED LINK: http://tiny.cc/6lq4tz
Series III is another double header containing all the stories from both the Pearl and Garnet Collections. A powerhouse of inspiring stories, from Awesome Kids doing incredible things to better our world to amazing animal stories, all chiseled to perfection and brimming with inspiration. Save with this two-for-one offer.
PAGE COUNT: 242 pages
AMAZON SHORTENED LINK: http://tiny.cc/gdl5tz
A WWII captain drags a tattered rug into a foxhole, comforting his troops during one of their fiercest battles. A mentally ill former employee holds a supervising nurse hostage, emerging after forty-eight hours with multiple gunshot wounds, but with a new understanding of how vulnerability can be the foundation of strength. Sixteen stories sharing karmic moments, inspiring us to move forward, knowing that what we put out often comes back to us.
PAGE COUNT: 125 pages
AMAZON SHORTENED LINK: http://tiny.cc/alq4tz
Twenty-six short vignettes sharing light hearted moments designed to bring a smile to your lips and some laughter to your heart. Stories include the following categories: Kids Will Be Kids; Love in Bloom; People, Like Ice Cream, Come in Many Flavors; Mixed Blessings; Looking Back With Laughter.
PAGE COUNT: 125 pages
AMAZON SHORTENED LINK: http://tiny.cc/llq4tz
Stories hand selected from the above Tales2Inspire® collections to capture the interest of Teen and Tween readers as well as adults of all ages. Look for the Sparkler at the end of each story for some great conversations starters.
ages 8 - adult.
PAGE COUNT: 126 pages
Due to conflict of interest concerns, I am unable to review books for authors participating in TNBR program, but nonetheless welcome your reviews. Both paperback and e-book formats available to those of you requesting books for review purposes. Just e-mail me at tales2inspire@optimum.net with the title of the particular T2I book you would like to review, your desired format and your mailing address (if requesting a paperback edition).
And I thank you,
Lois W. Stern

More About #TheNewBookReview Blog
The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning
HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. Authors, readers, publishers, and reviewers may republish their favorite reviews of books they want to share with others. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read and love. Please see submission guidelines in a tab at the top of this blog's home page or go directly to the form at https://www.bit.ly/FinishedReviewSubmissions. Authors and publishers who do not yet have reviews or want more may use Lois W. Stern's "Authors Helping Authors" service for requesting reviews. Find her guidelines in a tab at the top of the home page, too. And know that Carolyn Wilhelm, our IT expert, award-winning author, and veteran educator, makes an award image especially for those who volunteer to write reviews from Lois's review-request list and post them in the spirit of her "Authors Helping Authors" project.
Reviews, interviews, and articles on this blog are indexed by genre, reviewers' names, and review sites so #TheNewBookReview may be used as a resource for most anyone in the publishing industry. As an example, writers will find this blog's search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at
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