Head on down the cobblestone streets onto Rainbow Row in this Charleston, South Carolina
themed poetry book from award winning poet, author and poem critic, LB Sedlacek. Visit Folly
Beach, Murray's Lighthouse, Waterfront Park, the Battery, the USS Yorktown, Mt. Pleasant and
more in this brand new collection.
Mikeal is a kite surfer in North Carolina, raised by his grandparents. After they are murdered, he
rents the inherited cottage to Alexis, an actress. Together this unlikely pair decides to investigate.
Award winning poet, LB Sedlacek, takes you into a dark mountain tale in this new poem novel
published by Cyberwit, “The Blue Eyed Side.” Cover photo of Blue Ridge Parkway by LB Sedlacek.
More About L.B. Sedlacek
The suicide plans of a would-be actress in Hollywood fall apart when she meets her Prince Charming
who comes complete with a white Porsche & a pumpkin. Get to know Jessica & Jeremy in this
humorous but twisted Cinderella story.
comes a book on being a poet! The essays or articles in this new book are about writing, or
marketing yourself as a writer. Navigating your life as a writer or poet, may be difficult. Do you
have another job besides writing? Even if you have a writing related job, you are probably doing
that to supplement your writer life income. There’s hope! At least, that’s what these essays are
all about, how you can gel your regular work life with your work as a writer.
L.B. Sedlacek's is the former editor of "The Poetry Market Ezine" and a prolific poet. She has written many poetry chapbooks, like Mars or Bust, many of them reviewed here on and here on the #TheNewBookReview. (Use this blog's search engine to find them.) Synopses of some of her latest books are included in this post. Recent books include "The Blue Eyed Side" (Cyberwit), "Happy Little Clouds" (Guerilla Genesis Press), "The Poet Next Door" (Cyberwit), "The Architect of French Fries" (Presa Press) and "Words and Bones" (Finishing Line Press). Her short story collection, "Four Thieves of Vinegar & Other Short Stories" is available from Alien Buddha Press.
Facebook - @lbsedlacekpoet @poetryinla
Twitter: @lbsedlacek @frugalpoet
Instagram: @lbsedlacek @poetryinla
The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. Of particular interest to readers of this blog is her most recent How to Get Great Book Reviews Frugally and Ethically ( ) that covers 325 jam-packed pages covering everithing from Amazon vine to writing reviews for profit and promotion. Reviewers will have a special interest in the chapter on how to make reviewing pay, either as way to market their own books or as a career path--ethically!

This blog is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page. Reviews and essays are indexed by genre, reviewer names, and review sites. Writers will find the search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor.
Note: Participating authors and their publishers may request s social sharing images like the one in this post by Carolyn Wilhelm at no charge. Please contact the designer at: cwilhelm (at) thewiseowlfactory (dot) com. Provide the name of the book being reviewed and--if an image or headshot of the author --isn't already part of the badge, include it as an attachment. Wilhelm will send you the badge to use in your own Internet marketing. Give Wilhelm the link to this post, too!
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