The New Book Review

This blog, #TheNewBookReview, is "new" because it eschews #bookbigotry. It lets readers, reviewers, authors, and publishers expand the exposure of their favorite reviews, FREE. Info for submissions is in the "Send Me Your Fav Book Review" circle icon in the right column below. Find resources to help your career using the mini search engine below. #TheNewBookReview is a multi-award-winning blog including a recommendation.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Cozy Winter Reading Recs from Mindy Lawrence

Mindy Phillips Lawrence helps me edit my Sharing with Writers newsletter and writes a regular "Itty Bitty" column for it. Last issue she shared some of her recommendations for winter reading. See below. And if you'd like to receive the newsletter for great articles and tips on all things writing send a SUBSCRIBE message to

Mindy's Recommendation for Cozy Winter Reading
By Mindy Phillips Lawrence

One of the best activities to participate in when the wind and snow are blowing is reading. We have such a wealth of ways to read these days: Kindle’s, Nooks, other e-readers and actual books with pages to turn and covers to cuddle.

I’ve been reading a lot of nonfiction lately and thought I’d share both that and other works that I’ve finally gotten around to.

Pauline Kael: A Life in the Dark, Brian Kellow

Kindle and hardcover editions

Viking Adult

ISBN-13: 978-0670023127

Kael was the long-running film critic at New Yorker magazine who liked what she liked and disliked what she didn’t like—and didn’t mince words about it. I remember seeing her on TV when I was younger.  I didn’t always agree with her but I loved the way she wrote. This is an interesting book on her slow but steady trip up the writing ladder.


Kindle and paperback editions


ISBN-13: 978-0684857916

Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award, this story is about a third-rate newspaper hack that loses his wife and must deal with his two emotionally disturbed daughters.


Kindle and paperback editions

West Hill Press

ISBN-13: 978-1933512860

Based on actual historical evidence, The Breath of God is the fictional adventure of the search for ancient documents that could link the world’s great religious faiths.


Kindle and hardcover

Henry Holt

ISBN-13: 978-0805086935

Beginning with a letter sent to Vonnegut in 2006 asking permission to write a biography on him, Shields wrote the book based on 1500 letters to or from Vonnegut discovered after his death.

Many interesting books are coming out that make great winter reads. Whether you read fiction or nonfiction, Kindle or hardbound, let me know what YOU are reading on these chilly nights!

~ Mindy Phillips Lawrence,, is the author of the poetry collections One Blue Star and Above and Below. She is co-author of The Complete Writer, an editor and a publicist. She is in the process of putting together an e-book and paperback based on her Itty-Bitty Column for Sharing with Writers. Blogging at: She is also working on a book for the Military Writers Society of America on war correspondents. Her specialty is helping writers with their media releases. Reach her at

The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. It is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page. Reviews and essays are indexed by genre, reviewer names, and review sites. Writers will find the search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. As a courtesy to the author, please tweet and retweet this post using this little green retweet widget :

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Reviewer Lenz Takes on Translation of Marcel Pronovost Work

Title: Hearth and Home:The tumultuous life of Mathieu Rouillard and Jeanne

Author: Marcel Pronovost.
Translated from the French by Eileen Reardon.
ISBN 978-1-926945-37-8
Baico Publishing Inc., 2011
Publisher's Web site:
$25.00, 349 pages.
Genre: historical fiction

Reviewed by lenz, original for

When Marcel Pronovost’s ancestor, Mathieu Rouillard, arrived in New
France in 1661 after a three-month Atlantic crossing, he did not see the
gold he had been told would be lying about on the ground, but he knew it
could be made by those with strength, intelligence, a will to work hard
and ambition. Mathieu had all of these qualities in abundance but he was
up against two mighty foes: the unforgiving North American wilderness
and the rapacious French colonial government with its systems of trade
and feudal seigneurial land grants.

Mathieu and his wife Jeanne were two among a large number of Mr.
Pronovost’s Trois Rivières, Quebec ancestors, whose lives and times he
has spent many years researching. Intending at first to write a brief
history to be distributed among his own family members, he found the
huge catalogue of historical data he had collected made that project
untenable and so decided to make it a novel in which he could condense
the subject of his family’s habitant ancestors into a dramatic tale of
one couple whose experience encompassed the best and worst that the new
world had to offer. Hearth and Home: The tumultuous life of Mathieu
Rouillard and Jeanne Guillet is the result and a lively, fact-filled,
fast-paced account it is.

Jeanne is the eldest daughter of a prosperous carpenter who at first
welcomes Mathieu, a strong reliable farmhand at the time, to the family
(Mathieu has left his own back in La Rochelle, France), but regrets it
later when he finds that the young suitor has told a small lie about
having property in France and will not provide the financial support for
his daughter he had hoped for. Indeed, Mathieu will never be rich, but
will be in debt to lenders for the rest of his life, his ambitions being
more than even his strong back can bear. The newlyweds love each other
passionately, but even Jeanne will become sad and embittered as the
years go on and she is left alone for months at times to care for
children and harvest crops, while her husband leaves “hearth and home”
to pursue his true vocation.

After clearing a strip of land on the Batiscan River, near Trois
Rivières, and building a small cabin for Jeanne and planting some wheat,
he turns to the business that has captured his imagination since his
arrival. He will be a coureur de bois or voyageur, traveling by canoe on
the rivers that lead to the north and west to trade with the aboriginal
peoples cheap merchandise for valuable beaver pelts. (Pronovost uses the
term “Savages” for the natives, as the colonists did.)

He loves the hard, adventurous life, but learns that the fur trade is
not always profitable -- rarely, in fact. Still, he keeps going on
longer and longer trips while owing more and more to the merchants who
have lent him the goods with which he trades. The payment he receives
for the furs he brings back never seem enough to cover the cost of those

Between his trading voyages and brief returns to the ever-affectionate
Jeanne, there are battles with the Iroquois and the English. It is the
Iroquois who, at first, are the principle enemy of the French. They are
a constant menace to both French settlers and other aboriginal nations.
Many forts are built and local men are called up to join militias which
are mostly successful at fighting off the raiders, but many lives are
lost on both sides. The English forces to the south only enter this
narrative late in the story when Mathieu and his friends are forced to
smuggle furs to the English forts, where they can get a higher price.
The politics and religion of the day are portrayed in all their greed
and hypocrisy, although we do see how Jesuit priests did their best to
keep the colonists from moral decay. The growing cynicism of the
colonists is also shown as they realise how powerless they are against
the same social forces that existed in the Old France that they left, in
hope of greater freedom.

When Mathieu is in his fifties and feeling his age, his desire to see
places further west takes him to the Mississippi River and a trip south
to warmer temperatures and fertile land, where he dreams of bringing his
wife and children to live more freely and comfortably. Here he sadly
meets his end.

Mathieu Rouillard, 1638-1702, holds the dubious distinction of (perhaps)
being the first white man to have died and been buried in what is now
the State of Louisiana and what was, in 1702, a swampy outpost of the
far reaches of New France. A tragic end to a truly tumultuous life.

This semi-fiction (most of the names are of persons living in that time)
takes us quickly through the years between 1660 and 1702 with energy,
passion and a lively style that engages one completely but raises, to my
mind, more questions than it answers about the lives and times of the
hardy and adventurous people of New France; the role of women, both
colonist and aboriginal, is distinctly missing in the scheme of things.

Illustrations from the National Archives of Canada, maps and lists of
names of aboriginal nations and historical characters are included.
Eileen Reardon provides a translation from the French that matches the
spirit of the original. I recommend this first novel as a charming and
intriguing introduction to the period.

~The reviewer, lenz, contributes occasionally to Hubpages (, World Literature Forum
( ) and other sites and is a volunteer proofreader at Distributed Proofreaders ( ) as

The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. It is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page. Reviews and essays are indexed by genre, reviewer names, and review sites. Writers will find the search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. As a courtesy to the author, please tweet and retweet this post using this little green retweet widget :

Monday, January 30, 2012

Book for Writers, Linguists, Anthropolgists and Lovers of Language

Subtitle: Our love affair with euphemisms
By Ralph Keyes
Little Brown and Co.
ISBN: 9780316056564
Nonfiction/ (Writing/Language)
Contact Reviewer:

Reviewed by Carolyn Howard-Johnson originally for

If you don’t love language, it’s a good bet you aren’t a writer. But if you’re a writer, reading more about language (linguistics (?)) may not be high on your list of priorities. It’s so integral to the way you think, you believe you don’t need it.

I believe that Euphemania by Ralph Keyes will change your mind. Written with humor (because euphemisms are just naturally funny?) this book will certainly entertain. If you’ve ever wondered about the intricacies of our euphemisms—the origins as an example—this is the book for you. But who would have guessed that it also might be the perfect book to hone the skills of writers of dialogue and humor?

Academic writers? Use it as a quick-study on how to write a book that will sell to a wide market. The secret? Voice. Humor. Colloquialisms. Yep, and euphemisms. A book does not have to have the lack of moisture content (dry!) of a text book to be a textbook. I know about academic expectations. My daughter is a Ph.D. candidate. She explains it to me all the time. Having said that, if you’d like to actually sell something rather than giving everything away to unappreciative academic journals, try rewriting your brilliant theory for the general public!

Anthropologists and linguists will love this book, too. But mostly, it’s just fun learning why we use asterisks for words like sh*t and the euphemisms like the f-word. It’s also tons of fun to identify phrases we’ve stopped thinking of as euphemisms (love handles, anyone?), just because they are so part of our everyday language.

If I were rating this book for an Amazon review, it would give it a true (not a fake) five-star rating. For usefulness. For fun. For the love of language.

The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. It is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page. Reviews and essays are indexed by genre, reviewer names, and review sites. Writers will find the search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. As a courtesy to the author, please tweet and retweet this post using this little green retweet widget :

Friday, January 27, 2012

Five-Star Review for Book Set in New York

Title: Fixer
Author: Ed Brodow
Author Website:
Genre: Historical Fiction
ISBN: 978-1432717032

Reviewed by Erika Borsos originally for Amazon
Reviewer's Rating: Five Stars

This book provides a great visual representation of life in New York city at the turn-of-the-century. The author uses his words like an artist uses paint on canvas. This book leaves a great visual and colorful impact on the reader. The story is energetic, fast paced and filled with great human interest, overall a fascinating read. This is an historical era novel about a powerful charismatic politically connected figure who wielded a great deal of influence in New York city during the height of his career. It was a time when various people from Europe and Russia were clashing as they fought to create a new and better life for themselves and their families. They escaped the political forces and prejudices which held them back in the "old world" but faced new and different enemies and circumstances instead. Sometimes, the new circumstances were nearly as daunting as the old but as time marched on, the powerful walls which kept people of different cultures from achieving their potential cracked and broke apart. Times created situations where someone with a powerful personality who had major chutzpah and intelligence could work the system and become highly influential. This book is about such a man, his name is Harry Leonoff, a man of Jewish descent who beat the odds and made himself into a success. He become politically connected and indispensable to the politicians who needed major jobs done around the city. He hung around Tammany Hall with the Irish who got Harry hooked on politics. Harry's reputation grew as he strove to maintain his values and integrity while he got jobs done. Unfortunately, his strong need to maintain his integrity prevented him from backing down from a position once he took a strong stand and this became his undoing after clashing with Mayor Fiorello La Guardia who also possessed a similar ego and style of behavior.

Harry Leonoff's rise to power and his fall from grace makes for a fascinating novel. Harry's early life began on the Lower East Side of New York in Jewish tenement houses and apartments. This milieu provided the foundation for Harry's developing a strong character. His character was tested when he developed polio and underwent rigorous stretching exercises, without benefit of analgesics. Fortunately, he eventually received more humane treatment from Andrew Craig a Scotsman who developed a successful home treatment for polio victims. Harry retained a limp due to this childhood illness. Perhaps this is where Harry learned to care so much about the poor and less fortunate. Harry's fearless reputation got him hired by a local group of Jewish leaders who wanted some anti-Semitic thugs taught a lesson. By age 23, Harry realized he needed education and hung out at a local Democratic Club, where he overheard Big Jim Connolly express that lawyers ran the city. This gave Harry the grand idea to become a law clerk. At the time there were several avenues to entering the legal profession, one was attending law school, another was graduating from college and preparing for the bar exam, and a third for those with little formal education, as was Harry's case, was to become a law clerk. Harry was hired to apprentice for Mr. Levine who had won some rather famous cases. This is where Harry's sense of fair play arose as he noticed not everyone was getting justice under the legal system fact, the rich and powerful seemed to receive most of it. He concluded only those with political influence could correct the deficiencies in the system so Harry attempted to do just that. He returned to Tammany Hall to work for Big Jim Connolly. Harry's success continued as he gained experience and grew to have a reputation for getting the job done.

The author does a superb job of describing the rise and fall of Harry's fame. The stories are realistic and believable, most are serious, others are humorous. The author does a particularly excellent job of drawing the reader into the story from the beginning when Harry's grandson visits at the hospital where Harry resides. The description of the harbor, the weather, the landscape and views and then the inside of the mental hospital are very visually realistic and appealing. The author's description of how Harry's frame of mind flips from current reality into the past is highly accurate of how confused elderly people behave and react. The book was inspired by the life of the author's own grandfather. This book is most highly recommended. Erika Borsos [pepper flower]

The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. It is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page. Reviews and essays are indexed by genre, reviewer names, and review sites. Writers will find the search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. As a courtesy to the author, please tweet and retweet this post using this little green retweet widget :

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Valentine Gift that Lasts Better Than a Greeting Card

Cherished Pulse
A Chapbook of Unconventional Love Poetry
By Magdalena Ball and Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Genre: Poetry
Available on Amazon at
Available for Kindle

After throwing out another batch of high priced Christmas cards, I’m ready to put a formal ban on wasteful, expensive greeting cards in my house. With Valentine’s Day pending, it’s time we started giving real gifts that last and forget about fancy expensive packaging and syrupy cliché cards that make landfill. 

For those looking for a deeper and more sustained gift for Valentine's Day, an inexpensive chapbook of poetry is perfect. Poetry has a transformative effect and it lasts.  Cherished Pulse, a book of unconventional love poetry by Carolyn Howard-Johnson and Magdalena Ball, is pretty enough not to need any embellishments with beautiful artwork by watercolorist Vicki Thomas. It doesn’t have any calories, fits snugly on the shelf or looks lovely on a coffee table, and at only $6.95 for a paperback, or $2.99 for the Kindle version, it won’t more (or as much!) as a card on its own. Pair it with your own beautiful poem or a hand-picked flower from your garden for the most memorable and powerful Valentine’s Day gift you’ve ever given.

Review by Molly Martin:

Carolyn Howard-Johnson’s poems begin with the delicate refrain found in ‘A Woman's Heart.’ ‘Dreaming Lilacs,’ moves the reader into a scented, heart felt remembrance before moving on to a playful stanza ‘Hallmark Couldn't Possibly Get This Right.’ Poet Howard-Johnson’s last offering is a poignant introspective ‘Loving Lance.’ Other titles by this poet include; "Watching My Daughter Say Goodbye To a Fleeting Love," and " LA Love Story."

Magdalena Ball presents the first 10 poems; from the haunting lyric found in ‘The Ocean,’ strength of ‘Great Sky,’ and stark reality of ‘Dark Matter,’ poet Ball moves the reader toward her final though provoking reflective work; ‘Baker’s Dozen’. Other titles by poet Ball include; "Event Horizon," and "Oubliette."

Cherished Pulse :Unconventional Love Poetry is a pleasurable collection of buoyant, spirited poetry sure to pique the interest of the most discerning reader who is looking for a nice afternoon’s read. Each of the verses is a true delight. There is something for everyone. Language use is not predictable, nevertheless Cherished Pulse is an invigorating read of agreeably constructed stanzas presented in a satisfactorily rounded assortment. The reader will be drawn into the verses’ rich stitching of sentiment, passion, and sensation.
Pick up a copy at Add a grosgrain ribbon book mark and an early spring flower and you'll have a never-forgotten gift.

----- The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. It is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page. Reviews and essays are indexed by genre, reviewer names, and review sites. Writers will find the search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. As a courtesy to the author, please tweet and retweet this post using this little green retweet widget :

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New Book Is What Donald Trump and Dr. Oz Have in Common

Title: 5 Minute Motivator
Author: Dr. Eric Kaplan 
Both Donald Trump and Dr. Oz have Dr. Eric Kaplan's books.

This story is unique in that it is a love story, a story of survival, dedication and positive thinking. After Dr. Kaplan and his wife were 100% paralyzed by Botox injections (Dying to Be Young, #1 Bestseller.

The couple were recently featured on Dr. Oz and hopes to appear on the show again with his new book. They have also appeared on Good Morning America, Primetime Live, CNN Anderson Cooper, Montel Williams, andThe Insider, just to name just a few. With his new book again he is expecting to do many shows which will be mutually beneficial.

The 5 Minute Motivator clearly demonstrates the power of goal setting, affirmations, positive mental attitude, love, commitment, while being of service to others. The 5 Minute Motivator is a book about self-empowerment, self-actualization, and success manifestation using spiritual short stories to portray the principles and conscious tools and techniques.

From Such Seeds of Adversity Can Come your Greatest Triumphs...

5 Minute Motivator was the result as they turned tragedy into a dream come true. It includes simple yet powerful steps you can follow to infuse your own life with treater abundance, joy, and happiness.

Dr. Kaplan believes you were born with everything you need to heal yourself. After millions of years of evolution, your body is equipped for any challenge that comes its way: germs, cancer cells, you name it. But a huge, profit-driven medical establishment has been built around healing from the outside in, instead of inside out. When you buy this book today, you'll also receive Dr Kaplan's other book - Imagine two books for the price of one plus 150 bonus gifts! 5 Minutes to Wellness will open up your power of self-healing and The 5 Minute Motivator, will motivate you to do so. Dr. Kaplan outlines a step-by-step, approach by committing "5 Minutes a day."

In "5 Minutes" a day:

  • you can live the life you dreamed.
  • you can be healthier.
  • you can be happier.
  • you could remove the toxins that are in your body.
  • you could lose 10 pounds--and more.
  • you could help others.
  • you could own your own business.
  • you could make a difference in your life and the lives of others.

Take that one step further. Follow in the great steps of Michael Jordan, and make winning a habit. This book will teach you how. Check it out now!

~ Book Tour by Denise Cassino
Publicist and Book Marketing Specialist
303 838 3399
skype: denise.cassino
The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. It is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page. Reviews and essays are indexed by genre, reviewer names, and review sites. Writers will find the search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. As a courtesy to the author, please tweet and retweet this post using this little green retweet widget :

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Best Books for Writers To Read in 2012

Obviously, I haven't read every new book out there for writers. Consider this a good little "get started" list for your 2011 reading.

Agni, a literary journal. Literary writers might pick any full book-size issue and study the selections to improve your poetry and short stories.. Published by Boston University.

Outwitting Writer’s Block and other Problems of the Pen by Jenna Glatzer, Lyons Press, ISBN: 1592281249

Ignite the Genius Within: Discover Your Full Potential (with CD), by Dr. Christine Ranck and Christopher Lee Nutter, Dutton. ISBN: 9780525950943

Surviving Depression with Art Therapy by Joyce White, AuthorHouse, Really for artists of every ilk, but an interesting take on what the arts (writing) can do for our psyches. ISBN: 9781434320667

Concerning E. M. Forster by Frank Kermode. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. This book is for very literary types and really avoid Forster fans. ISBN: 9780374298999

The Essential Don Murray, edited by Thomas Newkirk and Lisa C. Miller, Heinmann Boynton/Cook. Don Murray is deceased. His sage advice to writers live on. ISBN 9780867096002

Writers’ Tricks of the Trade: 39 things you need to know about the ABCs of writing fiction by Morgan St. James, Marina Publishing. A new book by the queen of mystery writing. ISBN: 9780983779001

Spice Up Your Writing: Write to Entice by Billie A. Williams. Published by Filbert Publishing. Williams is a mystery writer with several self-help books for writers to her credit. I especially love the chapter on perseverance in this, her newest. ISBN: 9781932794168

Note: For more outstanding books—not necessarily books for writers—please see Carolyn's MyShelf Noble (Not Nobel!) Prize list for 2011 in her Back to Literature Column (

The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. It is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page. Reviews and essays are indexed by genre, reviewer names, and review sites. Writers will find the search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. As a courtesy to the author, please tweet and retweet this post using this little green retweet widget :