The New Book Review

This blog, #TheNewBookReview, is "new" because it eschews #bookbigotry. It lets readers, reviewers, authors, and publishers expand the exposure of their favorite reviews, FREE. Info for submissions is in the "Send Me Your Fav Book Review" circle icon in the right column below. Find resources to help your career using the mini search engine below. #TheNewBookReview is a multi-award-winning blog including a recommendation.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Review of Kingsolver's "Prodigal Summer" in Poetry Form

Note from Blogger Carolyn Howard-Johnson: 

Recently, this #TheNewBookReview blog has attracted more interest from poets and readers of poetry and the idea of accepting reviews of books, especially classics and poetry books written in poetry rather than prose came up. My answer? Of course! This from Leslie Klein who was recently interviewed by another #poet, Carol Smallwood! Enjoy! 

Title: Prodigal Summer

Author: Barbara Kingsolver

Leslie Klein (reviewer)


ISBN-13 : 978-0060959036 

ISBN-10 : 0060959037

Reviewed in poetry by Leslie Klein

Wild Pages

Another book
has come my way
after abandoning
the read of two others
unable to attach
my interest
for more than mere pages.

This one that
is riveting
with passion, flora
and carnivore scat.

Enchanting is my
imagined sketch
of backwood events.
All is pulsing—
moths, bats
and milk-gorged teats
as do the kisses
and long stares
of the lovers
entwined in their

                       ~ Copyright by Leslie Klein 


More About the Author of The Prodigal Summer

Barbara Kingsolver is the author of nine bestselling works of fiction, including the novels, Flight Behavior, The Lacuna, The Poisonwood Bible, Animal Dreams, and The Bean Trees, as well as books of poetry, essays, and creative nonfiction. Her work of narrative nonfiction is the enormously influential bestseller Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life. Kingsolver’s work has been translated into more than twenty languages and has earned literary awards and a devoted readership at home and abroad. She was awarded the National Humanities Medal, our country’s highest honor for service through the arts, as well as the prestigious Dayton Literary Peace Prize for her body of work. She lives with her family on a farm in southern Appalachia.

More About the Poet-Reviewer Leslie Klein

Leslie Klein is an artist and writer, living in the Berkshires of Massachusetts. Her op-eds, feature stories, and poetry have been published in various newspapers and magazines. Klein has had a long career teaching and showing her work in galleries and juried exhibitions. She was commissioned to create the sculpture for The Boston Freedom Award.  Reach her at clayforms@aol.comThis poem was originally published by Shanti Arts LLC in Leslie's book, Driving Through Paintings.  

More About the Blogger and Ways to Get the Most from #TheNewBookReview

 The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. Of particular interest to readers of this blog is her most recent How to Get Great Book Reviews Frugally and Ethically ( ) that covers 325 jam-packed pages covering everithing from Amazon vine to writing reviews for profit and promotion. Reviewers will have a special interest in the chapter on how to make reviewing pay, either as way to market their own books or as a career path--ethically!

This blog is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page. Reviews and essays are indexed by genre, reviewer names, and review sites. Writers will find the search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor.

Note: Participating authors and their publishers may request the social sharing image by Carolyn Wilhelm at no charge.  Please contact the designer at:  cwilhelm (at) thewiseowlfactory (dot) com. Provide the name of the book being reviewed and--if an image or headshot of the author --isn't already part of the badge, include it as an attachment. Wilhelm will send you the badge to use in your own Internet marketing. Give Wilhelm the link to this post, too!
 Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. #TheFrugalbookPromoter, #CarolynHowardJohnson, #TheNewBookReview, #TheFrugalEditor, #SharingwithWriters, #reading #BookReviews #GreatBkReviews #BookMarketing

Friday, October 9, 2020

Author Dr. Bob Rich Offers His Book-Review Secrets

My way of getting (fair) reviews


Guest post by Dr. Bob Rich


 That wonderful lady, Carolyn Howard-Johnson, has set me a task: to tell the world about my method for getting [quite a lot of]  reviews for my books. And who am I to disobey her? So, here are a few thoughts on the subject.


Review what?

The first requirement is excellence. No one but no one sees my work until I consider it perfect. Then I send it to beta readers who prove that it isn’t. I am a professional editor, so there are few typos to pick up in my writing, but my raptor-eyed friends do notice even the extra blank space, the missing [quotation marks] and the over-repetition of some word (we all have those).


If you don’t yet have the skills to edit your writing to near-perfection, having it edited by someone knowledgeable is not a luxury but a requirement. As a beginning writer, I hired three different editors for three different books, and each time my writing skills advanced enormously.


Writing is both an art and a craft. When my words make you laugh, cry, seethe or ponder, it is because I designed them so, not in some heavy-handed way, but intuitively, the way a master chef produces a great meal. And all prose is poetry: if you read one of my stories aloud, there will be no awkward sentences to leave you breathless, no “Huh, what was that again?”


Finally, content also needs to be the best it can, though I could write a book about what that means. No, go away, not now!


OK, how?

Being a great magician, I wave a wand, and hex people to read my books and then post 5-star reviews.


When that doesn’t work (it hasn’t yet, but I keep trying), I rely on several approaches. All are applications of my philosophy. This is, the more you give, the more you grow, and also, the more you give, the more you get. When I answer the phone, I say, “Bob Rich here. How can I be of service to you?” Send out good, you get back good. Send out crap, and it hits you in the face.


So, I don’t chase people to buy my book. Certainly, where appropriate, like on my book pages, I do ask people to post reviews, and provide them with very convenient links to the exact pages where they can do so.


Rather, my motivation is to be of service to my friends, followers, fans, and soon-to-be fans. My task is not to get money out of them, or reviews, or referrals, but, depending on the book, to entertain, amuse, challenge, instruct or inspire them.


I also have a policy of many years’ standing. Anyone who emails me proof of purchase of one of my books has the right to a second title free, in electronic format. A review of the book is proof of purchase (unless of course the book was free from me. I may be old, but not that senile yet).


To get reviews, offer reviews


Occasionally, I edit or beta read a book that gets me enthusiastic, and I want to do everything possible to tell the world about it. So, I return it with an advance review. Also, fellow writers have occasionally asked me for an advance review or endorsement, and if I approve of the book, I provide one.


Because I’ve been posting reviews since 1999, a steady sprinkling of writers approach me out of the ether, and ask me to review their book. If the opening looks good, I agree. In addition, if I see what promises to be a good book, I track down the author and request a review copy to be emailed to me (No! Not a paper one! Paper is trees.) I may occasionally buy a book, believe it or not, but since I deliberately live below the official poverty level of my country as a form of environmental action, it is not often I can spare the money. If I have a few extra dollars, I donate it to some charity or movement I passionately believe in, like Medicins sans Frontieres, Greenpeace, Amnesty International, or the Climate Council of Australia. That’s more important than buying even the best book.


I am a reviewer for a few web services like Book Sirens and when I have the time, I grab a book from there.


My very strict rules for reviewing a book are:


If I consider a book to be worth 4 or 5 stars, I will provide a public review. I’ll publish it in my newsletter Bobbing Around happily post it on any website the author specifies.


However, I don’t trample on another writer’s baby. If I don’t consider the book to be excellent, I will privately let the author know why, pointing out what in my opinion are its good points, and where it needs improvement.


The return


Hey, but the topic is how to GET reviews, not how to give them, right?


Yes, but every time I read a book for review, I request a review of one of my books in return.


Since my books are good, almost always I get an enthusiastic acceptance. Now, a second aspect of my philosophy kicks in: “I can ask anyone anything, as long as I can accept a no, and vice versa.” I don’t know the other author’s circumstances. There could be all sorts of reasons that prevent this person from doing anything too much more than breathing, so a no-response or a refusal doesn’t make me react in kind.


Amazon considers review exchanges to be dishonest. Well, they can be, if you deliberately lie about the value of the other book, inflate your rating, in the hope of getting the same back. In my case, I am confident my work doesn’t need such sleazy treatment, because it is good stuff, and as I said, I prefer to be of service to the other person with suggestions for improvement instead of a review if I have concerns about quality.


In any case, I read much faster than most people. Typically, my review is posted and buried under many others before the return makes its appearance. I have never had my reviews refused for this reason.


It would be a poor thing if all reviews came from people I have had prior contact with. Whenever I check, there are those from strangers. If I can track them down, I draw their attention to the free book earned, and hopefully expand the single review into a series, and more important, into a friendship.


There is one more source of reviews. Since 1999, I have established a list of subscribers to my monthly newsletter, many of whom are almost family by now. More recently, my blog has been attracting followers. Each time I post something, I get Likes and Follows from complete strangers. I do my best to contact them, which is not always possible, and send a standard message. It is the same each time, but from the heart: “Thank you for choosing to follow my blog, Bobbing Around. I hope my words will be of service to you for a long time.”


Many of my subscribers and followers go out of their way to recommend my books to their contacts, and I am immensely grateful for this. I am glad they benefit from the “More you give, more you grow” rule.


How to write a review?


Being a conservationist, I like to recycle. Rather than give review writing instruction here, I invite you to read a post on the subject


I make it as easy as possible by placing links to specific web pages where a review will be of help. These are the selling pages of the book, and its Goodreads page.


If someone emails me a review of one of my books, I offer a second book, free.


Rather than seeking reviews as such, I ensure my books are the best they can be, and that I am of service to people in every way possible.


I review many books, and request a return review.

PS: I’m keen to find out what you think of my ideas. I'd love to hear your ideas, too.  So, here is a prize: I’ll randomly select one commenter, who will receive a free edit of 3000 words of your work--or a free electronic copy of any of my books, which are listed at  

Author Dr. Bob Rich Offers His Book Review Secrets

More About the Blogger and Ways to Get the Most from This Blog

 The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. Of particular interest to readers of this blog is her most recent How to Get Great Book Reviews Frugally and Ethically ( ) that covers 325 jam-packed pages covering everithing from Amazon vine to writing reviews for profit and promotion. Reviewers will have a special interest in the chapter on how to make reviewing pay, either as way to market their own books or as a career path--ethically!

This blog is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page. Reviews and essays are indexed by genre, reviewer names, and review sites. Writers will find the search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor.

Note: Participating authors and their publishers may request the social sharing image by Carolyn Wilhelm at no charge.  Please contact the designer at:  cwilhelm (at) thewiseowlfactory (dot) com. Provide the name of the book being reviewed and--if an image or headshot of the author --isn't already part of the badge, include it as an attachment. Wilhelm will send you the badge to use in your own Internet marketing. Give Wilhelm the link to this post, too!
 Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. #TheFrugalbookPromoter, #CarolynHowardJohnson, #TheNewBookReview, #TheFrugalEditor, #SharingwithWriters, #reading #BookReviews #GreatBkReviews #BookMarketing

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Talented Authors Offer Free Books for Review--Paper or E-book - And Here's How YOU Can Do It Too

From TheNewBookReview

We welcome you to our exciting new book review project. We invite you to peruse this ever growing list of books written by talented authors just like you who are offering free review copies of their books. We hope you will catch our  "Authors Helping Authors"  spirit to write a review for a fellow author. 

Saturday, October 3, 2020

How Jack and the Beanstalk Can Help Us Authors - Plus Hint #22

What We Can Learn From Jack and the Beanstalk 

Plus Hint Number 22 for Getting Book Reviews

by Lois W. Stern, 

#TheNewBookReview Book Review Acquisition Coordinator

Hint #22 from Carolyn Howard-Johnson's How to Get Great Book Review Frugally and Ethically

"When your author name appears anywhere on Amazon, your name (also) appears on other authors' buy pages when you write reviews for their books. Your expertise and experience as an author shows when you (write reviews for other authors.) "  Pages 162-163 How to Get Great Book Reviews

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Carol Smallwood Interviews Poet Leslie Klein



Interview by Carol Smallwood



                   "Leslie Klein writes with the eye of an artist and voice of a poet." 

        ~ Liza Gyllenhaal Bennett, past president and current executive board member, 

           Academy of American Poets 


Smallwood: How has where you live influenced being a writer and artist?


Klein: I have been fortunate to live throughout the northeast—from Vermont, the Hudson Valley in NY, and here in the Berkshires. The natural world—its colors, shapes, sound, light, plants, animals inspire both my writing and art.  Each day is a visual feast. At night the owls serenade!

Smallwood: Please share with readers any formal, academic training you’ve had:


Klein:  Bachelors from State University of New York at New Paltz in Sociology/Education. 


Smallwood: What types of writing have you had published?  


Klein:   Most of my published writing has been op-ed, feature stories and some poetry for newspapers and magazines.   


Smallwood: What are some galleries and juried exhibitions you’ve taken part?


Klein: A sampling includes: 

            510 Warren Street Gallery, Hudson, NY

           Lauren Clark Fine Art, “Small Works,” Great Barrington, MA

             Gallery 35, Great Barrington, MA, Guild of Berkshire Artists

             Boston 2000, Inc., Boston, MA; Created sculpture for “The Boston Freedom Award,” presented by Coretta                   

            Scott King and Boston Mayor, Thomas M. Menino, to Dr. Charles Jacobs, Founder and President of The   

            American Anti-Slavery Group


Smallwood: Please share your affirmation expressed in “Magic”:


Klein:  If we open our eyes to really see all that surrounds us in the natural world, we would be in awe of its complexity and beauty.


Smallwood: Another lovely poem that caught my eye was “Library”. What was your first visit to one and how do you use them now?


Klein:  Though the memory of my very first visit is vague, I always remember feeling like I was in a peaceful space with so much to see and touch. Just about every book I read is borrowed from the library.  Even now, with the virus, it is great to be able to order books and movies online, and pick them up at my local library. I do miss being able to go inside. I often use their computer and printer.  All librarians are wonderful, and have all the answers!!!!!  My love of the library, is also very much influenced by my travels. I am inspired when a library in a small town comes into view. They are so architecturally beautiful and solid—reminiscent of ancient structures holding sacred texts—truly, works of art.


Smallwood: You make many references to birds. Have you always been so aware of them and what do they mean to you?


Klein:  I “discovered” birds when I was in my late 20’s, after seeing a flock of cedar waxwings land on a tree to share berries. They actually fed each other. They were so exotic looking, with black eyeliner and feathers like Chinese silk. That was the beginning. I am fortunate to live in a lovely, rural area, with a small brook.  I am surrounded by birds and their melodic songs.  Many are familiar and have personalities. They are truly beautiful, delicate creatures. Though, considering the perils of migration or just daily survival, they are so strong. Their ability to fly makes them seem so free and happy.


Smallwood: One of your poems says: “We are all artists”: when did you come to this conclusion and please explain:


Klein:  That poem was the result of one of those long, into the evening, conversations with a friend. That’s why it is titled “Letter,” because I wrote it for him later, restating what was said about art and creativity. He was lamenting that he was not an “artist.”  I was trying to explain to him that even though he was not a painter, sculptor, writer, his life path was one that would leave its mark, and inspire others, just as a painting or a poem.  


Smallwood: Has there been subjects you wanted to work on as an artist that ended up as a form of writing or the other way around—or didn’t fit either?


Klein:  Not that I can think of. I have, however, created numerous sculpted trees (including The Boston Freedom Award) which are perceived by each viewer with their own impressions. I think my poem “Trees” is more descriptive of the feelings that I have for them, than the actual sculpted pieces can convey.


Smallwood: Are you working on a new collection of poems?


Klein:  Yes, I do have more poetry that I am compiling and changing and changing some more!!! ha!  I also have an idea for a book on libraries, and two children’s books that have taken a back seat of late.

More About the Interviewee's New Book

Leslie Klein's new book of poetry, Driving through Paintings, was released June of 2020 by Shanti Arts Publishing. Find it at 


 More About the Interviewer

Carol Smallwood, MLS, MA, and Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, is a literary reader, judge, and interviewer; her 13th poetry collection is Thread, Form, and Other Enclosures (Main Street Rag, 2020).

Carol Smallwood Interviews Poet Leslie Klein

More About this Blog

The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. She also writes fiction and poetry. Authors, readers, publishers, and reviewers may republish their favorite reviews of books they want to share with others. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read and love. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page and in a tab at the top of this blog's home page. Reviews and essays are indexed by genre, reviewer names, and review sites so it may be used a resource for most anyone in the publishing industry. Writers will find the search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. #TheFrugalbookPromoter, #CarolynHowardJohnson, #TheNewBookReview, #TheFrugalEditor, #SharingwithWriters, #reading #BookReviews #GreatBkReviews #BookMarketing

Poet LB Sedlacek Reviews Stefanie Hutchenson's "True Stories"

Title: “The Adventures of George and Mabel”

Subtitle: Kind of, sort of, could be! True Stories 

Genre: Creative Nonfiction or based on more almost (Kind of? Sort of? Could be!) True Stories

Author: Stefanie Hutchenson

ASIN: B086J31PX3

Available on Amazon at

Reviewed by LB Sedlacek

George and Mabel and a host of new characters (or real life folks depending on how well you know the real George and Mabel) are back with a host of new adventures and fun filled tales. This is sweet southern liter

ature at its finest, reading these stories simply make you feel good all the way around or make you think about things just a little more.

Hutcheson derives her tales from real life events that she makes into heart warming or heart wrenching stories take your emotional pick. As an avid reader, I like to be entertained and escape into the book when I read. These stories center around “Charlie Brown,” family meals, one tube of Chapstick gone awry, almost running out of gas in the NC mountains and so many other wonderful spontaneous moments. Reading Hutcheson’s writing is like cuddling up on the couch with a blanket watching a favorite movie or sitting in your reading ch

air or nook enjoying a book, newspaper or e-book.

In this follow up to the first book, you will get to experience more of the love and companionship shared by the two main characters and how they live their lives with a sense of upbeat curiosity. These tales even at the most poignant moments will brighten your day. You’ll have a good time reading this, I sure did!

More About the Author

Stefanie Hutcheson (1963-) grew up in Burnsville, North Carolina. Although it took her nearly nineteen years, Stefanie finally completed her BA at Mars Hill College in 1999. Prior to graduation, she spent several years as a wife and mother, raising her family in Mills River, NC, before moving to Lenoir, where she now resides.


More About the Reviewer

LB Sedlacek’s is the author of several books of poetry including “The Poet Next Door” (Cyberwit), “Happy Little Clouds” (Guerrilla Genesis Press), “The Adventures of Stick People on Cars” (Alien Buddha Press) and “Words and Bones” (Finishing Line Press). Her first short story collection, “Four Thieves of Vinegar & Other Short Stories” came out on Leap Day 2020 from Alien Buddha Press. Find out more: Reach her at Tweet with her @lbsedlacek

oet LB Sedlacek Reviews Stefanie Hutchenson's "True Stories"

More About the Blogger and What This Blog Offers
 The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. Of particular interest to readers of this blog is her most recent How to Get Great Book Reviews Frugally and Ethically ( ) that covers 325 jam-packed pages covering everithing from Amazon vine to writing reviews for profit and promotion. Reviewers will have a special interest in the chapter on how to make reviewing pay, either as way to market their own books or as a career path--ethically!

This blog is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page. Reviews and essays are indexed by genre, reviewer names, and review sites. Writers will find the search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor.

Note about other #TheNewBookReview free services: Participating authors and their publishers may request the social sharing image by Carolyn Wilhelm at no charge.  Please contact the designer at:  cwilhelm (at) thewiseowlfactory (dot) com. Provide the name of the book being reviewed and--if an image or headshot of the author --isn't already part of the badge, include it as an attachment. Wilhelm will send you the badge to use in your own Internet marketing. Give Wilhelm the link to this post, too!

Lois W. Stern, educator, anthology editor, and authors' advocate, offers a way for authors, readers, and publishers to find new reviewers for their books. It's also a way for reviewers to find new books at no charge. Find her submission guidelines in the tabs at the top of The New Book Review home page.  

 Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. #TheFrugalbookPromoter, #CarolynHowardJohnson, #TheNewBookReview, #TheFrugalEditor, #SharingwithWriters, #reading #BookReviews #GreatBkReviews #BookMarketing

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Thinking About Self-Publishing? Try Carolyn Wilhelm's UDEMY Book for Very, Very Beginners

My clients come in two sizes: Those who struggle with finding readers for their books or who are spending too much money publishing and marketing them and those who are toying with the idea of self-publishing but know nothing about it. Until now, I had no inexpensive resource for the latter to learn a bit more before taking the publishing plunge. But when I found this video (read that "video!") course at today, I couldn't wait to let my #TheNewBookReview visitors and subscribers know about it. Please do any newbies you know a favor and let them know Carolyn's (another Carolyn, not me!) online tutorial. It's easy and truly very basic and quite all-encompassing view of what they need to know to get started--or to know what aspects of publishing they want to hire someone to help them with. 

Here is the course at UDEMY for you to peruse:

And here is more information on Self-Publishing for the Very Very Beginning Writer: 

This course has video demonstrations, templates, and instructions for the beginner to create eBook and paperback manuscripts, learn some ways to get additional online links to the book sales page, prepare a cover as a print-ready PDF, learn how not to compress images in Word, and learn about ISBN's and copyrights. Adobe Pro is used in a few lessons but alternative methods are described. 

Step-by-step printable direction PDFs for working with book templates are included.

Easy templates include the following:

Chapter Paperback Word Doc Template 

Chapter eBook Word Template

Children's Picture Book PowerPoint Template for a Paperback and an eBook (8.25" X 6" paperback with bleed)

Children's Picture Book 8.5" X 8.5" Paperback Word Template

Videos include the following and more:

Free Accounts for Self-Publishing

There are several free online accounts that will allow you to publish eBooks and paperbacks. This video discusses Kindle Direct Publishing, the sales page, Amazon Author Central, Goodreads as a reader, and Goodreads as an author. 

Quick Overview of Social Media for a Book

Social media can be carefully used to provide links online to your book sales page. Quick overview.   


When the manuscript is finished (or finished and published) it should be copyrighted within 90 days. 

Begin with an End Plan

Begin with the end in mind so that decisions made later will not require revisions and extra work. Start out with a plan to be most efficient and reach your goals. 

Be Consistent with Metadata

Be careful to use the exact same title, subtitle, and author name on all documents to be published such as eBook manuscripts, paperback manuscripts, and covers.

Copyright Page 

Word Doc and PDF provided to edit for your own book. 

Set-up Word so Images will not be Compressed

If your book has photos or art, before typing the manuscript, Word should be set up to not compress images.

Set-up Acrobat Pro 

If using Acrobat Pro to create PDFs, set up Word so that images will not be compressed when saved as a PDF.

Prepare the Kindle Manuscript

This video has a demonstration of preparing a Kindle eBook Word document from scratch. A generic Word Doc is provided which meets the new requirements. 

Table of Contents for Kindle 

Learn to insert a table of contents that will have links for eBooks, learn to update it, and see how to see/check your work by downloading the Kindle previewer for PC or Mac. Two supporting documents are included in this lesson.   

Online Cover Creators

Kindle Create to Embellish Manuscripts

Convert Paperback Manuscript to eBook Format

Fonts in eBooks

Paperback Manuscript How to and Free Template 

Create your own paperback manuscript using the directions and lesson resource template.

Table of Contents for the Paperback

The Table of Contents (TOC) for a paperback is different from the eBook format.

Create a Full-bleed Children's Paperback with PowerPoint

This video shows how to use a PowerPoint file sized to publish a 8.5" X 6" children's paperback.  Template provided.

Create a No-bleed Children's Paperback with Word

This lecture has a video about creating a children's paperback using Word (no other software is required) to make an 8.5" X 8.5" book. A sample Word doc is provided. 

Use Word and Adobe Pro to Create a Full-bleed Children's Paperback

This lecture has a video, a step-by-step guide, and a Word document that may be used to create both a paperback and an eBook from the same file. For this paperback, Word, Adobe Acrobat DC Pro, a story, and illustrations are required.

There are 41 videos in all. Other topics include figuring out which is the left-hand and right-hand page in documents, finding the financial information reports in KDP, uploading to KDP, and some troubleshooting. 

Also, students may ask questions and a video may be created which could be added to the course. 

Thinking About Self-Publishing? Try Carolyn Wilhelm's UDEMY Book for Very, Very Beginners

Carolyn Wilhelm is the is an educator and author of an acclaimed Young Adults novel, Climate Change Captives 2035 and Project Save. She offers teaching aids, many of them free on Pinterest and is a great retweeter on Twitter @wiseowlfactory.  

Climate Change Captives 2035 and Project SAVE: Students Help Save the Earth


 The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers. Of particular interest to readers of this blog is her most recent How to Get Great Book Reviews Frugally and Ethically ( ) that covers 325 jam-packed pages covering everithing from Amazon vine to writing reviews for profit and promotion. Reviewers will have a special interest in the chapter on how to make reviewing pay, either as way to market their own books or as a career path--ethically!

This blog is a free service offered to those who want to encourage the reading of books they love. That includes authors who want to share their favorite reviews, reviewers who'd like to see their reviews get more exposure, and readers who want to shout out praise of books they've read. Please see submission guidelines on the left of this page. Reviews and essays are indexed by genre, reviewer names, and review sites. Writers will find the search engine handy for gleaning the names of small publishers. Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor.

Note: Participating authors and their publishers may request the social sharing image by Carolyn Wilhelm at no charge.  Please contact the designer at:  cwilhelm (at) thewiseowlfactory (dot) com. Provide the name of the book being reviewed and--if an image or headshot of the author --isn't already part of the badge, include it as an attachment. Wilhelm will send you the badge to use in your own Internet marketing. Give Wilhelm the link to this post, too!
 Find other writer-related blogs at Sharing with Writers and The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor. #TheFrugalbookPromoter, #CarolynHowardJohnson, #TheNewBookReview, #TheFrugalEditor, #SharingwithWriters, #reading #BookReviews #GreatBkReviews #BookMarketing